Parameter | Type | Required | Comments |
IO_STANDARD | String | No | Specifies the I/O standard for the bidirectional pin. Value is any legal Intel Quartus Prime Settings File (.qsf) DefinitionI/O standards Definition. |
CURRENT_STRENGTH | String | No | Specifies the current strength value. Values are legal Intel® Quartus® Prime Settings File current_strength_new values. |
SLEW_RATE | Integer | No | Specifies the low-to-high or high-to-low transitions on the bidirectional pin. Value must be a positive integer, [0,1,..]. If omitted, the default is -1, which is equivalent to not setting this parameter. |
LOCATION | String | No | Specifies a legal pin location for the current device. |
ENABLE_BUS_HOLD | String | No | Specifies whether to enable bus-hold circuitry. Legal values are "ON" and "OFF". |
WEAK_PULL_UP_RESISTOR | String | No | Specifies whether to enable the weak pull-up resistor. Legal values are "ON" and "OFF". |
TERMINATION | String | No | Specifies any legal on-chip termination (OCT) value for the current device. The value of this parameter is both the input and output termination value for the current device. To set separate input and output values, use the INPUT_TERMINATION or OUTPUT_TERMINATION parameters. |
INPUT_TERMINATION | String | No | Specifies any legal input OCT value for the current device. This parameter cannot be used with TERMINATION. |
OUTPUT_TERMINATION | String | No | Specifies any legal output OCT value for the current device. This parameter cannot be used with the parameter TERMINATION. |