PowerPlay® Early Power Estimator File Generator Reports

The PowerPlay® Early Power Estimator File Generator generates the following reports based on the settings selected in the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu):

Some reports located in this folder are duplicates of those found in the PowerPlay® Power Analyzer Reports folder.

PowerPlay Early Power Estimator File Generator Summary Report

Summarizes the following information about the power analysis performed, including the estimated total thermal power consumption of the design. The report also includes a confidence metric that reflects the overall quality of the data sources for the signal activities used in the early power analysis.

  • PowerPlay® Early Power Estimator File Generator Status shows the date and time that the PowerPlay® Early Power Estimator File Generator was last run, and indicates whether the power analysis completed successfully.
  • Quartus® Prime Version shows the version of Quartus® Prime software in use.
  • Revision Name shows the revision name of the design.
  • Top-level Entity Name
  • Family shows the name of the device family in use for the power analysis.
  • Device shows the device number of the device in use for the power analysis.
  • Power Estimation Confidence characterizes the overall confidence in the signal activity data provided to the PowerPlay® Early Power Estimator File Generator. (See the Confidence Metric Details report in the PowerPlay® Power Analyzer Reports for details of the input data.)

PowerPlay Early Power Estimator File Generator Settings Report

Reports the settings used in the power analysis, and the default values. These are as established on the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu). The report can contain the following information:

  • Default Power Input I/O Toggle Rate shows the power input I/O toggle rate in use.
  • Use Input File shows the status of the Use Input File setting.
  • Output Signal Activity File Name shows the name of the Signal Activity File (.saf) Definition in use.
  • Preset Cooling Solution shows the cooling solution selected.
  • Board thermal model shows the board thermal modeling option chosen for the cooling solution.
  • Use smart compilation shows whether smart compilation is turned on. This feature only supports the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition.
  • Default Power Toggle Rate shows the power toggle rate in use.
  • Use vectorless estimation shows whether vectorless estimation is turned on.
  • Filter Glitches in VCD File Reader shows whether glitch filtering is turned on.
  • Power Analyzer Report Signal Activity shows whether a signal activity section is created in the report.
  • Power Analyzer Report Power Dissipation shows whether a power dissipation section is created in the report.
  • Device Power Characteristics shows the device power characteristics assumed for the power analysis.
  • Automatically Compute Junction Temperature shows whether junction temperature is computed.
  • Specified Junction Temperature shows a junction temperature.
  • Ambient Temperature shows the ambient temperature.
  • Use Custom Cooling Solution shows whether a custom cooling solution is in use.
  • Board Temperature shows the board temperature based on the cooling solution selected.

PowerPlay Early Power Estimator File Generator Generated Files Report

Reports the output files, if any, produced by the PowerPlay® Early Power Estimator File Generator. The output files can include a Signal Activities File (.saf) and a design summary spreadsheet file.

PowerPlay Early Power Estimator File Generator Messages Report

Reports messages generated by the PowerPlay® Early Power Estimator File Generator during early power analysis. The PowerPlay® Early Power Estimator File Generator generates info, warning, and error messages that report on conditions observed during the power analysis.

You can right-click a message in the PowerPlay® Early Power Estimator File Generator Messages report and click Help to display help on the selected message, or click Locate to view a list of options available for the selected message.