Partition Merge Reports

The Partition Merge folder contains reports displaying the results of the partition merge portion of incremental synthesis.

Partition Merge Summary Report

Summarizes the following information about the compilation:

  • Partition Merge Status shows the status (Successful | Unsuccessful), end date, and end time.
  • Revision Name shows the revision name in use.
  • Top-level Entity Name shows the top level entity name in use.
  • Family shows the target device family.
  • Logic Utilization shows the total percent of logic used. Appears only if you specified a supported device ( Arria® II Series) family for compilation. The number is a total of Combinational ALUTs, Memory ALUTs, Logic registers or Dedicated logic registers, depending upon the device you specified for compilation.
  • Logic utilization (in ALMs) shows the number ofAdaptive Logic Modules (ALMs)needed in designs targeting supported device families.
  • Total registers shows the total number of registers used.
  • Total pins shows the total number of pins used versus total pins available.
  • Total virtual pins shows the total number of virtual pins.
  • Total block memory bits shows the total number of memory bits used.
  • DSP block 9-bit elementsshows the total number ofDSP block Definition9-bit elements used, displayed as both a ratio and a percentage.
  • DSP block 18-bit elements shows the total number ofDSP block Definition18-bit elements used.
  • Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elementsshows the total number ofmultiplier block Definition9-bit elements used.
  • Total GXB Receiver Channels shows the number of channels used in your design.
  • Total GXB Receiver Channels PCS shows the number of physical coding sub-layer channels used in your design.
  • Total GXB Receiver Channels PMA shows the number of physical media attachment channels used in your design.
  • Total GXB Transmitter Channels shows the number of channels used in your design.
  • Total GXB Transmitter Channel PCS shows the number of physical coding sub-layer channels used in your design.
  • Total GXB Transmitter Channel PMA shows the number of physical media attachment channels used in your design.
  • Total PLLs shows the total number ofPhase-Locked Loop (PLL) Definitionused. your design.
  • Total HSSI 8G RX PCSs shows the number of high speed serial interface physical coding sub-layer receiver channels operating at 8GHz. in a design targeting a Stratix®V device.
  • Total HSSI 10G RX PCSs shows the number of high speed serial interface physical coding sub-layer receiver channels operating at 10GHz in a design targeting a Stratix®V device.
  • Total HSSI PMA RX Deserializers shows the number of high speed serial interface physical media attachment receiver channels in a design targeting a Stratix®V device.
  • Total HSSI 8G TX PCSs shows the number of high speed serial interface physical coding sub-layer transmitter channels operating at 8GHz. in a design targeting a Stratix®V device.
  • Total HSSI 10G TX PCSs shows the number of high speed serial interface physical coding sub-layer transmitter channels operating at 10GHz in a design targeting a Stratix®V device.
  • Total HSSI PMA TX Serializers shows the number of high speed serial interface physical media attachment transmitter channels.
  • Total HSSI CDR PLLs shows the number of high speed serial interface clock data recovery PLLs in a design targeting a Stratix®V device.
  • Total DLLs shows the total number ofdelay-locked loop (DLL) Definitionused.

Partition Merge Netlist Types Used Report

Reports netlist-type information generated during partition merging for all entities designated as partitions including:

  • Partition Name shows the user-assigned name for the partition.
  • Partition Type shows whether or not the partition was User Created.
  • Netlist Type Used shows which type of netlist was used (Post-Synthesis Netlist | Post-Fit Netlist | Import Netlist | Post-Fit (Import Based) Netlist).
  • Netlist Type Requested shows which type of netlist (Post-Synthesis Netlist | Post-Fit Netlist | Import Netlist | Post-Fit (Import Based) Netlist) was requested.
  • Partition Contents shows the name of the highest level entity used in a partition.

Partition Merge Rapid Recompile Summary Report

Summarizes how much logic Rapid Recompile was able to preserve on a per partition basis. The following are descriptions of each column:

  • Partition Name shows the user-assigned name for the partition.
  • Rapid Recompile Status shows whether Rapid Recompile has engaged or disengaged for the respective partitions. Rapid Recompile can disengage because the design change is too large to justify running Rapid Recompile.
  • Netlist Preservation Requested specifies the number of nodes in the post-synthesis netlist which are unchanged from a previous Analysis and Synthesis. This is done after a netlist comparison of the current and previous post-synthesis netlists.
  • Netlist Preservation Achieved specifies the number of post-fit nodes after merging the previous post-fit and current post-synthesis netlists to achieve a Rapid Recompile hybrid netlist. The preservation ratio reported in this column is often smaller than Netlist Preservation Requested.
  • Notes specifies why Rapid Recompile disengaged for a partition.
Note: This report appears for designs that specify an Arria® V , Cyclone® V , or Stratix® V device only in Quartus Prime Standard. Designs that target Arria® 10 devices with Rapid Recomplie should be compiled in Quartus Prime Pro.

Partition Merge Partition Pin Processing Report

Shows the name, partition, type, location, and status of pins in the specified partition.

Partition Merge Partition Statistics Report

Summarizes partition merge statistics for resources including logic utilization, clock control blocks, adaptive lookup tables (ALUTs) usage, logic registers, DSP Blocks, registers, adaptive logic module (Adaptive Logic Module (ALM) Definition) utilization, logic array block (Logic Array Block (LAB) Definition) utilization, multiplier block Definition, I/O pins, virtual pins Definition, I/O pins, virtual pins Definition, connections, partition interface, congestion, port connectivity and registered ports.

Partition Merge Resource Usage Summary Report

Summarizes the utilization of resources for a design targeting a supported device ( Arria® series, Cyclone® series, and Stratix® series) family.

Partition Merge DSP Block Report

Reports information about the usage and availability of DSP block Definition. This section is omitted if the design does not include DSP blocks.

The report displays the following information:

  • Statistic shows the operating mode of the DSP blocks.
  • Number-Used shows the number of each type of DSP block used in the device.
  • Available per Block shows the number of each type of function available in each DSP block.
  • Maximum Available shows the maximum number of DSP blocks available in the design.

Partition Merge Messages

Reports messages generated during Partition Merge for the current compilation. Partition merging generates info, warning, and error messages that report conditions observed during the Partition Merge process.

You can right-click a message in the Synthesis Messages report and click Help to display the online help on the selected message.