useioff Verilog HDL Synthesis Attribute

A VerilogHDL synthesis attribute that directs the Quartus® Prime software to implement input, output, and output enable registers in I/O cells that have fast, direct connections to an I/O pin, when possible. Using this option can improve I/O cell performance by minimizing setup, clock-to-output, and clock-to-output enable times.

To use the useioff synthesis attribute, specify the useioff synthesis attribute in between (* and *) delimiters. In addition, the synthesis attribute value must be 1 or 0. Specifying the useioff synthesis attribute to 1 directs the Quartus® Prime software to pack registers into the I/O cells representing the port. Specifying the useioff synthesis attribute to 0 prevents register packing into the I/O cells.

You can also embed the useioff attribute in comments preceded by the synthesis keyword.

Note: The useioff attribute is supported internally using the Fast Output Register, Fast Input Register, and Fast Output Enable Register logic options. For information about device suport, refer to the Fast Output Register, Fast Input Register, and Fast Output Enable Register logic option topics.

For example, in the following code, the useioff synthesis attribute directs the Quartus® Prime software to implement the registers a_reg, b_reg, and o_reg in the I/O cells corresponding to the ports a, b, and o, respectively:

// Verilog-2001 attribute syntax module top_level(clk, a, b, o);
   input clk;
   (* useioff = 1 *) input [1:0] a, b;
   (* useioff = 1 *) output [2:0] o;
   reg [1:0] a_reg, b_reg;
   reg [2:0] o_reg;
   always@(posedge clk) 
      a_reg <= a;
      b_reg <= b;
      o_reg <= a_reg + b_reg;
   assign o = o_reg;
endmodule \\Traditional comment-style syntaxmodule top_level(clk, a, b, o);
    input clk;
    input [1:0] a, b /* synthesis useioff = 1 */;
    output [2:0] o /* synthesis useioff = 1 */;
    reg [1:0] a_reg, b_reg;    reg [2:0] o_reg;
    always@(posedge clk)
       a_reg <= a;
       b_reg <= b;
       o_reg <= a_reg + b_reg;
    end    assign o = o_reg; endmodule