ramstyle VHDL Synthesis Attribute

A VHDL synthesis attribute that controls the way an inferred RAM is implemented.

Note: Analysis & Synthesis also recognizes the synonymous synthesis attribute syn_ramstyle. This synthesis attribute behaves identically to the ramstyle synthesis attribute.

To use the ramstyle synthesis attribute, first declare the synthesis attribute with a string type using an Attribute Declaration. Then use an Attribute Specification to associate the ramstyle synthesis attribute with a Signal or Variable Declaration that represents an inferred RAM. Specify the synthesis attribute value asno_rw_check, "logic", "M9K", "M10K", "M20K", "M144K", or "MLAB", depending on the type of memory block that you want the Quartus® Prime software to use when implementing the inferred RAM. If you associate the synthesis attribute with any other VHDL object, or if you specify an illegal value, the Quartus® Primesoftware ignores that synthesis attribute.

By setting the value to "M4K", "M9K", "M20K", "M144K", or "MLAB", you can choose the type of memory block that the Quartus® Prime software uses when implementing the inferred RAM. If the attribute is set to "logic", then the RAM is implemented in logic cells.

In addition to specifying the type of memory block for the RAM implementation, by setting the value to "no_rw_check", you can use the ramstyle attribute to indicate that you do not care about the output of the inferred RAM when there are simultaneous reads and writes to the same address. By default, the Quartus® Prime software tries to create an inferred RAM with the same read-during-write behavior as your HDL source. In some cases, a RAM must be mapped into logic because it has a read-during-write behavior that is not supported by the memory blocks in your target device. In other cases, the Quartus® Prime software must insert extra logic to mimic your read-during-write behavior, which can increase the resource requirements or reduce the performance of your design. Setting the "no_rw_check" value directs the Quartus® Prime Compiler that the read-during-write behavior of the HDL source does not need to be preserved.

Note: You can specify both a block-type and "no_rw_check" in a single attribute by separating the values with a comma, for example "no_rw_check, MLAB", or you can specify only a block-type or "no_rw_check".

For example, in the following code, the Attribute Declaration declares the ramstyle synthesis attribute, and the Attribute Specification specifies that the inferred RAM my_ram is implemented using an M144K memory block Definition

-- First, declare a signal that represents a RAM 
type memory_t is array (0 to 63) of std_logic_vector(0 to 7);
signal my_ram : memory_t;
attribute ramstyle : string;
attribute ramstyle of my_ram : signal is "M144K";