altdq Megafunction

Data strobe megafunction. The altdq megafunction transmits and receives data on both edges of the reference clock. The altdq megafunction is available for CycloneIV.

Intel recommends instantiating this function with the IP Catalog.

  • For this megafunction, the IP Catalog generates output files with multiple entities or modules. The top-level entity or module is located at the bottom of the file.
  • If your design does not connect to a DQS bus, you should use the altddio_in, altddio_out, oraltddio_bidir megafunctions rather than the altdq megafunction.
  • To interface with the p and n-pins, you can instantiate your altdq megafunction then instantiate an I/O buffer megafunction.
  • When you create your megafunction, you can use the IP Catalog to generate a netlist for third-party synthesis tools.
Note: More information is available on the altdq megafunction on the Altera website.