Message Suppression Manager Dialog Box

You open this dialog box by right-clicking in the Messages window, and then clicking Suppress > Message Suppression Manager.

Allows you to view and edit suppressed messages. You can also import or export suppression rules in this dialog box.

Suppression rules are applied immediately, and messages targeted for suppression no longer appear in the Messages window. You can review all messages that are suppressed in the Report window.

Suppressed messages are organized by type. New messages, or messages not targeted for suppression, are displayed in the Messages window during subsequent design processing.

Exact Message Suppression

Shows the rules to suppress messages that are exactly the same as the selected message, including any variables. You can sort the messages by ID or message text, and delete the rules.

Suppression by ID

Shows the rules to suppress messages by ID. You can edit or create new rules. You can also sort the messages by ID or message text, and delete the rules.

Suppression by Keyword

Shows the rules to suppress messages by keyword. You can edit or create new rules, and delete the rules.

Import Rules

Opens the Import Message Suppression Rule File dialog box and allows you to import suppression rules from another project or a revision of the current project with the Quartus Prime Standard Edition Message Suppression Rule File (.sff) Definition.

Export Rules

Opens the Export Message Suppression Rule File dialog box and creates a Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Message Suppression Rule File (.srf) containing the suppression rules listed in the Message Suppression Managerdialog box.


Deletes the selected rules. You can also delete the rules by using the Delete keyboard button.