agilex 5 fpga and soc e-series 065b premium development kit

Agilex™ 5 FPGA E-Series 065B Premium Development Kit Quick Start Guide

What's in the Box

agilex 5 fpga e-series 065b premium kit box contents

Image 1. Included components in the Agilex 5 FPGA E-Series 065B Premium Development Kit

Powering On the Development Kit

This section will walk you through how to quickly set up your new development kit on your workstation. If you are looking for the complete documentation, please download the User Guide.

agilex 5 development kit with hps expansion board

Image 2. Numbered components on the Agilex 5 FPGA E-Series 065B Premium Development Kit

Step 1. Install the standoffs on the development kit.
Step 2. Carefully align the HPS Expansion Board to the HPS connector (J11).
Step 3. Connect the HPS Expansion Board to the development kit and secure the HPS Expansion Board standoffs with the hex screws going on top.
Step 4. Plug in the provided power adapter, flip the Power Switch, and check for the PowerGood LED to indicate proper operation.

Your development kit is now ready to use. 

Next Steps After Setting Up

To help demonstrate the capabilities of your Agilex 5 FPGA E-Series 065B Development Kit there are a few options for you to try below.


  • The Boot to Linux will walk you through taking advantage of the Hard Processor System.
  • The Board Test System section will provide direction for testing the different components of your development kit.


To make full use of your development platform, it is recommended that you download the Quartus Prime Design Software before you proceed. You can find instructions on how to download the software in the Quartus Prime Software Download and Installation Quick Start Guide



The Golden System Reference Design (GSRD) is a hardware and software solution designed to provide a starting point for development with the Agilex 5 FPGA E-Series HPS. Your development kit includes the HPS Expansion Board with a Micro SD card complete with Linux operating system. The configuration files for the FPGA are already flashed to its internal QSPI memory. This flow will walk you through booting the FPGA in HPS boot first mode, where the HPS will configure itself then configure the FPGA with the QSPI flash. Afterward, the Linux operating system will boot, and the user will have the ability to utilize the command line interface to work with the operating system.


1) Connect your host PC to the HPS expansion board's RS232 UART port.

2) It is recommended that you check the MSEL Switch 27 is configured to OFF-ON-ON-OFF.

3) Run the following command to determine which device the Future Technology Devices International (FTDI) driver assigns for the connection (e.g. /dev/ttyUSB0).

sudo dmesg | grep tty


4) Setup the minicom as follows:


  • Ensure that minicom is installed on your system. If not, invoke the following command.
sudo apt-get install minicom
  • Run minicom -s as root to enter the minicom setup mode.
sudo minicom -s
  • Select Serial port setup and then press Enter.
  • Press A to change Serial Device to /dev/ttyUSB0 and then press Enter.
  • Press E to change the port settings. Press E again to select 115200 for Speed, and then press Q to set Data/Parity/Stop bits to 8-N-1 configuration.
  • Press Enter twice to return to the main minicom setup menu.
  • Select Save setup as dfl and then press Enter to save the minicom settings as defaults.
  • Select Exit.


​​​​​5) Power on the board. You should see Linux start booting the HPS on your windows machine.

6) After booting, enter root when prompted. You are now signed into your Linux platform running on the Agilex 5 HPS.

7) To run a sample “hello world” program, type the following code in your terminal

cd ~/intelFPGA



and you should see "hello SOC FPGA” on your terminal screen


The full reference document and demos can be found in the GSRD documentation.




Your development kit includes the Board Test System (BTS) graphical user interface (GUI) to test the functionality of this board. The BTS provides an easy-to-use interface to alter functional settings and observe results.

You can use the BTS to:


  • test board components
  • modify functional parameters
  • observe performance
  • measure power usage


For full instructions on how to install the necessary Java runtime environment, as well as launching the application, see the Board Test System section in the User Guide.