Accurate Power Estimation and Analysis
Intel supports power estimation and analysis, from design concept through implementation, with the most accurate and complete power management design tools. Intel offers up to 125°C and worst-case silicon power estimates for the low-cost FPGA families throughout its tool suite. Intel offers the following power estimation and analysis resources:
- Cyclone® IV early power estimator.
- Quartus® Prime power analysis and optimization technology.
- Power Management Resource Center.
Use the early power estimator (EPE) during the design concept phase and the Power Analyzer during design implementation. The EPE is a spreadsheet-based analysis tool that enables early power scoping based on device and package selection, operating conditions and device utilization.
The Power Analyzer is a far more detailed power analysis tool that uses actual design placement and routing and logic configuration. The tool can use simulated waveforms to very accurately estimate dynamic power. The power analyzer, in aggregate, usually provides ± 10 percent accuracy when used with accurate design information. The Quartus® Prime power models closely correlate to actual silicon measurements.
Intel uses more than 5,000 different test configurations to measure the power of individual components within an Cyclone® series FPGA. Each configuration is focused on measuring a single circuit component of the FPGA in a specific configuration.