Intel® VTune™ Profiler Installation Guide

ID 767438
Date 12/16/2022

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Install with Regular Installer

On Linux* OS, Intel® VTune™ Profiler is available as:

Once installed, it is recommended that you review the post-installation steps.


Supported Systems

See the System Requirements for a list of supported Linux distributions and compilers.


A 64-bit operating system host is required to use VTune Profiler. You can use VTune Profiler to analyze both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

Superuser Privileges

Superuser privileges are recommended to install, change, or uninstall VTune Profiler. Superuser privileges are necessary to correctly install the Sampling Driver that is required for many analysis types. You can install VTune Profiler as a regular user and use most analysis types through the Linux Perf* capabilities of VTune Profiler. See the Profiling Hardware Without Intel Sampling Drivers Cookbook recipe for more information.

Install as Standalone Component

To install VTune Profiler as standalone component:

  1. Download the standalone Linux installer from the VTune Profiler download page.

    You can select between an Online or an Offline installer. On systems without a stable Internet connection, it is recommended to use the Offline installer.

  2. Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where the installer was downloaded.
  3. If necessary, allow the execution of the installer with this command:

    chmod +x <installer-package-name>.sh

  4. Run the installer executable as superuser (recommended):

    sudo ./<installer-package-name>.sh

    The installer window appears.

  5. Select between a Recommended and a Custom installation.

    The Recommended Installation option installs VTune Profiler in the default directory and integrates VTune Profiler into your Eclipse* IDE.

    The Custom Installation allows you to control:

    • Install directory: specify a custom install directory. Default is /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/
    • Eclipse* IDE integration: choose a version of Eclipse to integrate VTune Profiler into, or opt out of integration.
  6. Follow the instructions in the installer to complete the install process.

Install as Part of Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit

To install VTune Profiler as part of an Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit:

  1. Download the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit installer for Linux.

    You can select between an Online or an Offline installer. On systems without a stable Internet connection, it is recommended to use the Offline installer.

  2. If necessary, allow the execution of the installer with this command:

    chmod +x <installer-package-name>.sh

  3. Run the installer executable as superuser (recommended):

    sudo ./<installer-package-name>.sh

    The installer window appears.

  4. Select between a Recommended and a Custom installation.

    The Recommended Installation installs all components included in this toolkit in the default directory, and integrates appropriate components into your Eclipse IDE.

    The Custom Installation allows you to control:

    • Components to install: select specific toolkit components to install.
      The installer checks for components that are already installed on the system, and offers to update or skip these components, if appropriate.
    • Install directory: specify a custom install directory. Default is /opt/intel/oneapi/
    • Eclipse* IDE integration: choose a version of Eclipse to integrate VTune Profiler into, or opt out of integration.
  5. Follow the instructions in the installer to complete the install process.

Post-Installation Steps

  1. Set Environment Variables:

    If you are planning to use the command line interface of VTune Profiler, it is recommended to set environment variables by running these scripts:


    source /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest/env/


    source /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest/env/vars.csh
  2. Verify Your Installation:

    VTune Profiler comes with a self-check script that helps verify if the product is installed correctly and troubleshoot issues, if any.

    The script runs a set of analyses on a sample application, and reports the progress interactively.

    To run the self-check script:

    1. Open a terminal window.
    2. Assuming the environment variables are set, run the script with this command:

      Alternatively, you can find this script in: /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/latest/bin64/

      The script may take several minutes run all the necessary checks.
    3. Let the script run to completion and review the summary. The script offers advice if any of the analyses have failed, and saves a log file for support.
  3. Get to Know VTune Profiler:

    For a quick introduction to VTune Profiler, try these documents:

    General information on VTune Profiler is available from:

    • User Guide—all features and analysis types, workflows, command line interface, user interface.
    • Performance Analysis Cookbook—profiling methodology, examples of applying VTune Profiler to interesting cases and specific bottlenecks.
  4. (Optional) Configure Collection Without Sampling Driver:

    If you installed VTune Profiler without superuser privileges, certain configuration steps are required to enable hardware analyses through Linux Perf*. See the Profiling Hardware Without Intel Sampling Drivers Cookbook recipe to understand the configuration and possible limitations.