Intel® VTune™ Profiler

Get Started

ID 769038
Date 3/22/2024

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Get Started with Intel® VTune™ Profiler for Windows* OS

Before You Begin

  1. Install Intel® VTune™ Profiler on your Windows* system.

    By default, the <install-dir> for oneAPI components is Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI.

  2. Build your application with symbol information in Release with debug info mode. Enable all optimizations. For detailed information on compiler settings, see the VTune Profiler online user guide.

    You can also use the matrix sample application available in <install-dir>\vtune\<version>\samples\en\C++\matrix. Find corresponding sample results in the matrix_results folder in the same location.

  3. Set up the environment variables: Run the <install-dir>\setvars.bat script.

You do not need to run setvars.bat when using Intel® VTune™ Profiler within Microsoft* Visual Studio*.

Step 1: Start Intel® VTune™ Profiler

Start Intel VTune Profiler through one of these ways and set up a project. A project is a container for the application you want to analyze, the type of analysis, and data collection results.


Start VTune Profiler

Standalone (GUI)

  1. Run the vtune-gui command or run Intel® VTune™ Profiler from the Start menu.

  2. When the GUI opens, click in the Welcome screen.

  3. In the Create Project dialog box, specify the project name and location.

  4. Click Create Project.

Standalone (Command line)

Run the vtune command.

Microsoft* Visual Studio* IDE

Open your solution in Visual Studio. The VTune Profiler toolbar is automatically enabled and your Visual Studio project is set as an analysis target.

You do not need to create a project when running Intel® VTune™ Profiler from the command line or within Microsoft* Visual Studio.

Step 2: Configure and Run Analysis

After creating a new project, the Configure Analysis window opens with these default values:

The Performance Snapshot analysis type is a good starting point for your profiling experience with Intel® VTune™ Profiler. This analysis gives you a general overview of your application performance with recommendations for areas to focus.

  1. In the Launch Application section, browse to the location of your application executable file.

  2. Click Start to run Performance Snapshot on your application. This analysis presents a general overview of issues affecting the performance of your application on the target system.

Step 3: View and Analyze Performance Data

When data collection completes, VTune Profiler displays analysis results in the Summary window. Here, you see a performance overview of your application.

The overview typically includes several metrics along with their descriptions.

Expand each metric for detailed information about contributing factors.

A flagged metric indicates a value outside acceptable/normal operating range. Use tool tips to understand how to improve a flagged metric.

See guidance on other analyses you should consider running next. The Analysis Tree highlights these recommendations.