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Get Started with Intel® VTune™ Profiler

ID 769038
Date 11/07/2023

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Example: Profile a SYCL* Application on Linux*

Use VTune Profiler with a sample matrix_multiply SYCL application to quickly get familiar with the product and statistics collected for GPU-bound applications.


Build the Matrix Application

Download the matrix_multiply_vtune code sample package for Intel oneAPI toolkits. This contains the sample which you can use to build and profile a SYCL application.

To profile a SYCL application, make sure to compile the code using the -gline-tables-only and -fdebug-info-for-profiling Intel oneAPI DPC++ Compiler options.

To compile this sample application, do the following:

  1. Go to the sample directory.

    cd <sample_dir/VtuneProfiler/matrix_multiply>
  2. The multiply.cpp file in the src folder contains several versions of matrix multiplication. Select a version by editing the corresponding #define MULTIPLY line in multiply.h.
  3. Build the app using the existing Makefile:

    cmake .

    This should generate a matrix.icpx -fsycl executable.

    To delete the program, type:

    make clean

    This removes the executable and object files that were created by the make command.

Run GPU Analysis

Run a GPU analysis on the Matrix sample.

  1. Launch VTune Profiler with the vtune-gui command.
  2. Click New Project from the Welcome page.
  3. Specify a name and location for your sample project and click Create Project.
  4. In the WHAT pane, browse to the matrix.icpx -fsycl file.
  5. In the HOW pane, click the Browse button and select GPU Compute/Media Hotspots analysis from the Accelerators group in the Analysis Tree.

  6. Click the Start button at the bottom to launch the analysis with the pre-selected options.

Run GPU Analysis from Command Line:

  1. Prepare the system to run a GPU analysis. See Set Up System for GPU Analysis.

  2. Set up environment variables for Intel software tools:

    source $ONEAPI_ROOT/

  3. Run the GPU Compute/Media Hotspots analysis:

    vtune -collect gpu-hotspots -r ./result_gpu-hotspots -- ./matrix.icpx -fsycl

    To see the summary report, type:

    vtune -report summary -r ./result_gpu-hotspots

VTune Profiler collects data and displays analysis results in the GPU Compute/Media Hotspots viewpoint. In the Summary window, see statistics on CPU and GPU resource usage to understand if your application is GPU-bound. Switch to the Graphics window to see basic CPU and GPU metrics representing code execution over time.