Step 4: Prepare Host Machine for Development
In this step, you will prepare your host system for development with Intel® TCC Tools by installing dependencies.
You can use your choice of Linux* OS as a development host system. The following setup instructions have been validated and are supported on Ubuntu* 20.04 LTS OS but are expected to work on all common Linux distributions.
Required dependencies:
ittapi: for applications using the measurement library and measurement library build
g++-multilib: for supported platforms (verified on version 4:9.3.0-1ubuntu2) for ittapi as build dependencies.
cmake: for application build, verified on version 3.16.3.-1ubuntu1
json-c version 0.13.1+dfsg-7ubuntu0.3: for supported platforms, for the cache allocation library build.
python3-pip: for the data streams optimizer and cache allocation capabilities, verified on version 20.0.2-5ubuntu1.1
msgfmt: for data streams optimizer and cache configurator, verified on version
checkinstall: required for libbpf and open62541 installation for all supported platforms.
python modules: for samples: modules listed in ${TCC_ROOT}/samples/plot_scripts/prerequisites.txt
python modules: for data streams optimizer and cache configurator: modules listed in ${TCC_TOOLS_PATH}/prerequisites.txt
Firmware and BIOS Utilities: for capsule creation for UEFI BIOS
Slim Bootloader tools: for capsule creation for Slim Bootloader
Test certificates: for data streams optimizer and cache configurator demo
python3-sphinx: required for building eXpress Data Path, XDP, supporting libraries
libelf-dev library: for XDP libraries support
libbpf library: for XDP libraries support
Open62541 library: for real-time communication demo support
Use the following steps to install the dependencies automatically. For instructions on manually installing dependencies, see Install Host Dependencies Manually (Public Document):
Go to the scripts directory:
cd ${TCC_ROOT}/scripts
Run the script to install dependencies. This script requires the Git* software.
If you see the following message, enter your user password. If the message does not appear, proceed to the next step.
Run with sudo privileges `sudo -E ./ ` or Enter your password:
Installation may take several minutes. When installation is complete, you will see the message:
SUCCESS: all dependencies installed
To verify that your host system is correctly configured for development with Intel® TCC Tools libraries, build one of the provided sample applications, tcc_cache_allocation_sample:
Go to the directory:
cd ${TCC_ROOT}/samples/tcc_cache_allocation_sampleBuild the sample:
makeCheck that the sample was built without errors:
echo $?The output of this command should be 0.
If you encounter errors or the output of the command is not 0, confirm that you installed all required dependencies by using the script and set up environment variables by sourcing the environment file. Alternatively, follow individual steps in Install Host Dependencies Manually (Public Document).