Nios® V Processor: Lockstep Implementation

ID 833274
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.1. Memory Map

You can view the fRSmartComp memory map from the Configuration Interface. The memory map is a consecutive 32-bit (word) aligned location, starting from offset zero. According to the AVALON-MM specification, the actual addresses visible from the CPU or a separate System Supervisor depend on the AVALON-MM interconnect outside the fRSmartComp.

The following field describes each register in the memory map:

  • Address (hex): Register Address

    (Actual address = Register Address + Configuration Interface Base Address)
    • Mnemonic: Register Label
    • Class: Register Class
      • CORE: Part of the fRSmartComp CORE logic.
      • ALARMS, CONTEXT, and STATISTICS: Implement the LOGS information
      • OPTIONS: fRSmartComp configuration registers. These physical registers are implemented inside the fRSmartComp.
  • Name: Register Name

Depending on the Class, it is possible to understand the asynchronous and synchronous reset used for each register. Refer to Resets for more information.