Nios® V Processor: Lockstep Implementation

ID 833274
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.1.1. Memory Map—Part 1

The first part of the memory map contains registers that are visible from the Configuration Interface, and never visible/accessible from the fRNET Interface.

Table 28.  Memory Map
Offset (hex) Mnemonic Class Name
Register Label
0x0000 ~ 0x8048 - - Reserved
0x804C DCLSM_BWCR CORE DCLSM Blind Window Control Register
0x8050 ~ 0xD404 - - Reserved
0xD408 ERRCTRL_ALL_ALARMS_P RIOR_AFI ALARMS All Alarms Prior Alarms Fault Injection Register
0xD40C ~ 0xD418 - - Reserved
0xD420 ERRCTRL_INTREQ_CONF CORE INTREQ Configuration Register
0xD424 ERRCTRL_TIMEOUT CORE Timeout Deadline and Status Register
0xD428 ERRCTRL_TIMEOUT_ACK CORE Timeout acknowledgment register
0xD42C - - Reserved