GTS HDMI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 823533
Date 11/25/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.2. Source Interfaces

The following tables list the port interfaces of the source.
Table 21.  HDMI Source Reset Interface N is the number of pixels per clock.
Port Type Clock Domain Port Direction Description
Reset reset Input Main asynchronous reset input.
Reset reset_vid Input Reset input for the video domain.
Table 22.  HDMI Source Clock Interface N is the number of pixels per clock.
Port Type Clock Domain Port Direction Description
Clock vid_clk Input

Video data clock input.

The vid_clk frequency can be a fixed clock frequency. Intel recommends to use 300 MHz for the vid_clk.

  • vid_clk runs at the maximum frequency across all resolutions and FRL rates.
  • The video data is qualified by the vid_valid signal.
  • vid_clk can be asynchronous to ls_clk and frl_clk.
Clock tx_clk Input

Transceiver recovered clock. Connect this signal to the output clock of the TX transceiver output clock.

Clock audio_clk Input

Audio clock input. Connect this signal to vid_clk by qualifying the slower frequency of audio_data with audio_de.

If you connect this signal to a clock at actual audio sample frequency, you must tie audio_de to 1.

For audio channels greater than 8, do not drive audio_clk at actual audio sample clock; instead drive audio_clk with vid_clk and qualify audio_data with audio_de.

Note: Applicable only when you turn on the Support auxiliary and Support audio parameters.
Clock mgmt_clk Input

Free-running system clock input (100 MHz). This clock connects to the I2C controller and HPD debouncing logic.

Note: This signal is not available if you turn off the Include I2C parameter.
Table 23.  HDMI Source Video Data Port Interface N is the number of pixels per clock.
Port Type Clock Domain Port Direction Description
Conduit vid_clk vid_data[N*48-1:0] Input

Video 48-bit pixel data input port. For N pixels per clock, this port accepts N 48-bit pixels per clock.

Conduit vid_clk vid_de[N-1:0] Input Video data enable input that indicates active picture region.
Conduit vid_clk vid_hsync[N-1:0] Input Video horizontal sync input.
Conduit vid_clk vid_vsync[N-1:0] Input Video vertical sync input.
Conduit vid_clk vid_ready Output

Indicates if the TX core is ready to process new data. When vid_ready is asserted, the TX core is ready to process new data.

vid_ready is always high for 8 bits per component (BPC). This signal toggles for different color depths.

  • For 10 bpc, vid_ready is high for 4 out of 5 clock cycles.
  • For 12 bpc, vid_ready is high for 2 out of 3 clock cycles.
  • For 16 bpc, vid_ready is high for 1 out of 2 clock cycles.
  • Refer to Source Deep Color Implementation for more details.
Conduit vid_clk vid_valid Input

Indicates if the video data is valid. When vid_clk is running at the actual pixel clock, this signal should always be asserted.

When you generate the video data at a frequency higher than the actual pixel clock, use vid_valid to qualify the validity of the video data. vid_valid and vid_clk guarantee the exact pixel clock rate.

Refer to Valid Video Data for more details.

Conduit vid_clk vid_overflow Output

Reserved for FRL mode.

Table 24.  HDMI Source Data Port Interface N is the number of pixels per clock.
Port Type Clock Domain Port Direction Description


out_b[transceiver width-1:0] Output

When in TMDS mode, this signal is TMDS encoded blue channel (0) output.

Transceiver width is configured to 40 bits.

Note: Only the 20 bits from the least significant bits are used.


out_g[transceiver width-1:0] Output

When in TMDS mode, this signal is TMDS encoded green channel (1) output.

Transceiver width is configured to 40 bits.

Note: Only the 20 bits from the least significant bits are used.


out_r[transceiver width-1:0] Output

When in TMDS mode, this signal is TMDS encoded red channel (2) output.

Transceiver width is configured to 40 bits.

Note: Only the 20 bits from the least significant bits are used.
Conduit tx_clk out_c[transceiver width-1:0] Output

When in TMDS mode, this signal is TMDS encoded clock channel (3) output.

Transceiver width is configured to 40 bits.

Note: Only the 20 bits from the least significant bits are used.
Conduit - in_lock Input

When asserted, the HDMI TX core begins to operate.

Synchronize this signal to the same clock domain as reset port.

Table 25.  HDMI Source Encoder Control Port Interface N is the number of pixels per clock.
Port Type Clock Domain Port Direction Description
Conduit tx_clk mode Input Encoding mode input.
  • 0: DVI
  • 1: HDMI
Conduit tx_clk tmds_bit_clock_ratio Input

Indicates if TMDS Bit Rate is greater than 3.4 Gbps in TMDS mode.

  • 0: (TMDS Bit Rate) / (TMDS Clock Rate) ratio is 10
  • 1 = (TMDS Bit Rate) / (TMDS Clock Rate) ratio is 40
Conduit tx_clk scrambler_enable Input

Enables scrambling.

  • 0: Instructs the source device not to perform scrambling
  • 1: Instructs the source device to perform scrambling
Conduit tx_clk ctrl[N*6-1:0] Input DVI control side-band inputs to override the necessary control and synchronization data in the green and red channels.
Bit-Field n=0,1.....N-1










Reserved (0)


Reserved (0)

Table 26.  HDMI Source Auxiliary Data Port Interface N is the number of pixels per clock.
Port Type Clock Domain Port Direction Description
Applicable only when you enable Support auxiliary parameter 2
Conduit aux_clk aux_ready Output Auxiliary data channel ready output. Asserted high to indicate that the core is ready to accept data.
Conduit aux_clk aux_valid Input Auxiliary data channel valid input to qualify the data.
Conduit aux_clk aux_data[71:0] Input Auxiliary data channel data input.

For information about the bit-fields, refer to Auxiliary Packet Encoder Input.

Conduit aux_clk aux_sop Input Auxiliary data channel start-of-packet input to mark the beginning of a packet.
Conduit aux_clk aux_eop Input Auxiliary data channel end-of-packet input to mark the end of a packet.
Table 27.  HDMI Source Auxiliary Control Port Interface N is the number of pixels per clock.
Port Type Clock Domain Port Direction Description
Applicable only when you enable Support auxiliary parameter2
Conduit aux_clk gcp[5:0] Input General Control Packet user input.

For information about the bit-fields, refer to Source GCP Bit-Fields.

Conduit aux_clk


Input Auxiliary Video Information InfoFrame user input.

For information about the bit-fields, refer to Source Auxiliary Video Information (AVI) InfoFrame.

Conduit aux_clk info_vsi[61:0] Input Vendor Specific Information InfoFrame user input.
For information about the bit-fields, refer to Source HDMI Vendor Specific InfoFrame Bit-Fields.
Table 28.  HDMI Source Auxiliary Audio Port Interface N is the number of pixels per clock.
Port Type Clock Domain Port Direction Description
Applicable only when you enable Support auxiliary and Support audio parameters2
Conduit audio_clk audio_CTS[19:0] Input Audio CTS value input.
Conduit audio_clk audio_N[19:0] Input Audio N value input.
Conduit audio_clk audio_data[255:0] Input Audio data input.

For audio channel values, refer to Audio Channels.

Conduit audio_clk audio_de Input Audio data valid input.
Conduit audio_clk audio_mute Input Audio mute input. No audio will be transmitted when this signal is asserted high.
Conduit aux_clk audio_info_ai[48:0] Input Audio InfoFrame user input.
Note: If you provide audio_info_ai [48:0] using audio_clk with actual audio sample frequency, you must synchronize the clock domain to ls_clk externally.

For information about the bit-fields, refer to Source Audio InfoFrame Bundle Bit-Fields.

Conduit aux_clk audio_metadata[165:0] Input Carries additional information related to 3D audio and MST audio.
Note: If you provide audio_metadata [165:0] using audio_clk with actual audio sample frequency, you must synchronize the clock domain to ls_clk externally.

For information about the bit-fields, refer to Audio Metadata Bundle Bit-Fields for Packet Header and Control, Audio Metadata Bundle Bit-Fields for Packet Content when 3D_AUDIO=1, and Audio Metadata Bundle Bit-Fields for Packet Content when 3D_AUDIO=0.

Conduit audio_clk audio_format[4:0] Input Controls the transmission of the 3D audio and indicates the audio format to be transmitted.
Bit-Field Description
4 Assert to indicate the first 8 channels of each 3D audio sample.

For information about the bit-fields, refer to Definition of the Supported audio_format[3:0].

Table 29.  HDMI Source PHY Interface Control Port Interface N is the number of pixels per clock.
Port Type Clock Domain Port Direction Description
Conduit tx_clk os[1:0] Input
Oversampling control signal to control the oversampling factor.
  • 1: 2x oversampling: Send this when you are transmitting TMDS rate between 1 Gb/s < rate ≤ 6 Gb/s
  • 2: 8x oversampling: Send this when you are transmitting TMDS rate ≤ 1 Gb/s
Table 30.  HDMI Source Hot Plug Detect Interface N is the number of pixels per clock.
Port Type Clock Domain Port Direction Description
Conduit tx_hpd Input Detects the Hot Plug Detect (HPD) status. This signal should be driven with the same signal to the HPD pin on the HDMI connector.
mgmt_clk tx_hpd_req Output The core asserts the tx_hpd_req signal if the tx_hpd signal holds for more than 100 milliseconds, indicating a valid HPD. The tx_hpd_req signal deasserts if the tx_hpd signal is not detected.
Table 31.  HDMI Source I2C Controller Interface Port Interface N is the number of pixels per clock.
Port Type Clock Domain Port Direction Description
Conduit i2c_scl Inout The SCL signal from the I2C bus on the HDMI connector.
Note: This signal is not available if you turn off the Include I2C or Include I2C Pads parameter.
Conduit i2c_sda Inout The SDA signal from the I2C bus on the HDMI connector.
Note: This signal is not available if you turn off the Include I2C or Include I2C Pads parameter.
Conduit i2c_scl_in Input The SCL input signal from the HDMI connector I2C tri-statable I/O pad.
Note: This signal is only available when you turn off the Include I2C Pads parameter.
Conduit i2c_scl_oe Output

The SCL output enable signal to the HDMI connector I2C tri-stateable I/O pad.

1: SCL pulled low

0: Output buffer tri-stated and SCL externally pulled high
Note: This signal is only available when you turn off the Include I2C Pads parameter.
Conduit i2c_sda_in Input The SDA input signal from the HDMI connector I2C tri-stateable I/O pad.
Note: This signal is only available when you turn off the Include I2C Pads parameter.
Conduit i2c_sda_oe Output

The SDA output enable signal to the HDMI connector I2C tri-stateable I/O pad.

1: SDA pulled low

0: Output buffer tri-stated and SDA externally pulled high
Note: This signal is only available when you turn off the Include I2C Pads parameter.
Avalon® memory-mapped interface mgmt_clk i2c_master_address[3:0] Input The Avalon® memory-mapped interface signals to the I2C controller. Connect these signals to an Avalon® memory-mapped host such as the Nios® processor to perform read and write operations to the EDID block.
Note: These signals are not available if you turn off the Include I2C parameter.
Avalon® memory-mapped interface mgmt_clk i2c_master_write Input
Avalon® memory-mapped interface mgmt_clk i2c_master_read Input
Avalon® memory-mapped interface mgmt_clk i2c_master_writedata[31:0] Input
Avalon® memory-mapped interface mgmt_clk i2c_master_readdata[31:0] Output
Table 32.  out_c Value for TMDS Bit Rate Less than 3.4 Gbps TMDS_Bit_clock_Ratio = 0 and out_c value is constant.
N out_c Value
1 10'b1111100000
2 20'b1111100000_1111100000
4 40'b1111100000_1111100000 1111100000_1111100000
Table 33.  out_c Value for TMDS Bit Rate Greater than 3.4 Gbps in TMDS Mode TMDS_Bit_clock_Ratio = 1 and out_c value is repeated indefinitely.
N out_c Value
t t+1 t+2 t+3
1 10’h000 10’h000 10’h3ff 10’h3ff
2 20’h00000 20’hfffff 20'h00000 20’hfffff
4 40’hfffff 00000 40’hfffff 00000 40’hfffff 00000 40’hfffff 00000
Table 34.  Audio Channels
Bit-Field Audio Channel
LPCM and 3D Audio (LPCM) MST Audio (LPCM)
255:224 8 or 16 or 24 or 32

Stream 4 right channel

223:192 7 or 15 or 23 or 31

Stream 4 left channel

191:160 6 or 14 or 22 or 30

Stream 3 right channel

159:128 5 or 13 or 21 or 29

Stream 3 left channel

127:96 4 or 12 or 20 or 28

Stream 2 right channel

95:64 3 or 11 or 19 or 27

Stream 2 left channel

63:32 2 or 10 or 18 or 26

Stream 1 right channel

31:0 1 or 9 or 17 or 25

Stream 1 left channel


aux_clk = vid_clk