Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

8.7.2. LWH2F Bridge Reset Sequence

The purpose of the LWH2F bridge reset is to allow you to put operating LWH2F bridge into reset while the FPGA is being reconfigured. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Enable the ability to Fence and Drain traffic on the LWH2F port before resetting the HPS:
    • Write Reset_Mgr.hdsken[lwsoc2fpga_flush] = 1
  2. Request handshake with LWH2F bridge to clear outstanding traffic:
    • Write Reset_Mgr.hdskreq[lwsoc2fpga_flush_req] = 1
  3. Wait for bridge to report idle status:
    • Read Reset_Mgr.hdskack[lwsoc2fpga_flush_ack] = 1
  4. Clear idle requests to bridge:
    • Write Reset_Mgr.hdskreq[lwsoc2fpga_flush_req] = 0
  5. Assert reset to the bridge:
    • Write Reset_Mgr.brgmodrst[lwsoc2fpga] = 1
  6. When FPGA reconfiguration is complete:
    • Write Reset_Mgr.brgmodrst[lwsoc2fpga] = 0