Parameterizable Macros for Intel® FPGAs User Guide

ID 772350
Date 9/30/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.5. I/O PLL Verilog Instantiation Template

I/O PLL Verilog Instantiation Template

//Quartus Prime Parameterizable Macro Template
//Documentation :
//Macro Location :

 //Configuration in the template is set to 
default values to generate PLL clocks, kindly refer 
IPM IOPLL UserGuide for more use cases.

   ipm_iopll	 #(
      .N_CNT                     (1),
      .M_CNT                     (6),
      .C0_CNT                    (1),
      .C1_CNT                    (1),
      .C2_CNT                    (1),
      .C3_CNT                    (1),
      .C4_CNT                    (1),
      .C5_CNT                    (1),
      .C6_CNT                    (1),
      .OPERATION_MODE            ("direct"),
      .CLOCK_TO_COMPENSATE       (1),
      .PHASE_SHIFT0              (0),
      .PHASE_SHIFT1              (0),
      .PHASE_SHIFT2              (0),
      .PHASE_SHIFT3              (0),
      .PHASE_SHIFT4              (0),
      .PHASE_SHIFT5              (0),
      .PHASE_SHIFT6              (0),
      .PLL_SIM_MODEL             ("")// It is a simulation specific parameter 
                                 // to select the technology dependent IOPLL 
                                 // simulation model. Allowed values are 
                                 // "Stratix 10", "Agilex 7 F-Series", 
                                 // "Agilex 7 (F-Series)", "Agilex 7 I-Series",
                                 // "Agilex 7 (I-Series)", "Agilex 7 M-Series",
                                 // "Agilex 7 (M-Series)", "Agilex 5"
	) <instance_name> (
		.refclk        (_connected_to_refclk_),     //input,  width = 1
		.reset         (_connected_to_reset_),      //input,  width = 1
		.outclk0       (_connected_to_outclk0_),    //output, width = 1
		.outclk1       (_connected_to_outclk1_),    //output, width = 1
		.outclk2       (_connected_to_outclk2_),    //output, width = 1
		.outclk3       (_connected_to_outclk3_),    //output, width = 1
		.outclk4       (_connected_to_outclk4_),    //output, width = 1
		.outclk5       (_connected_to_outclk5_),    //output, width = 1
		.outclk6       (_connected_to_outclk6_),    //output, width = 1
		.locked        (_connected_to_locked_),     //output, width = 1
		.fbclk         (_connected_to_fbclk_),      //input,  width = 1
		.fbclkout      (_connected_to_fbclkout_),   //output, width = 1
		.extclk_out    (_connected_to_extclk_out_), //output, width = 1
		.zdbfbclk      (_connected_to_zdbfbclk_)    //inout,  width = 1