Parameterizable Macros for Intel® FPGAs User Guide

ID 772350
Date 9/30/2024
Document Table of Contents

5.6.1. Bus Synchronizer Parameterizable Macro Port Descriptions

Table 21.  Bus Synchronizer Parameterizable Macro Port Descriptions
Port Type Width Required Description
src_clk Input 1 Yes Source input clock.
src_sig Input [DATA_WIDTH-1] Yes Source input bus that synchronizes to the destination clock domain.
dst_clk Input 1 Yes Destination input clock.
src_req Output 1 Yes Source request that the source clock domain generates when new data is available.
src_sync_req Output 1 Yes Source request that synchronizes to the destination clock domain.
dst_ack Output 1 Yes Destination acknowledgement that indicates when a register in the Destination clock domain captures src_sig[N].
dst_sync_req Output 1 Yes Destination acknowledgement that synchronizes to the source clock domain. When this signal transitions from high to low, this indicates that the data transfer is complete.
dst_sig Output [DATA_WIDTH-1] Yes Destination bus