FPGA AI Suite: PCIe-based Design Example User Guide

ID 768977
Date 3/29/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.1. CMake Targets

The top level CMake build target is the FPGA AI Suite runtime plugin shared library, libcoreDLARuntimePlugin.so. The source files used to build this target are located under the following directories:
  • runtime/plugin/src/
  • runtime/coredla_device/src/

The flow also builds additional targets as dependencies for the top-level target. The most significant additional targets are:

  • The OPAE-based MMD library, libintel_opae_mmd.so. The source files for this target are under runtime/coredla_device/mmd/.
  • The Input and Output Layout Transform library, libdliaPluginIOTransformations.a. The sources for this target are under runtime/plugin/io_transformations/.