Nios® V Processor Software Developer Handbook

ID 743810
Date 2/14/2023

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Document Table of Contents alt_erase_flash_block()


int alt_erase_flash_block(alt_flash_fd* fd,

int offset,

int length)

Commonly Called By

C/C++ programs

Device drivers



Available from ISR





The alt_erase_flash_block() function erases an individual flash erase block. The parameter fd specifies the flash device; offset is the offset within the flash of the block to erase; length is the size of the block to erase. No error checking is performed to check that this is a valid block, or that the length is correct.

For more information, refer to “Using Flash Devices” in the "Developing Programs Using the Hardware Abstraction Layer" chapter.

Call the alt_erase_flash_block() function only when operating in single-threaded mode.

The only valid values for the fd parameter are those returned from the alt_flash_open_dev function. If any other value is passed, the behavior of this function is undefined.


The return value is zero upon success. A negative return value indicates failure.