Nios® V Processor Software Developer Handbook

ID 743810
Date 9/26/2022

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11.1. Embedded Component Information Flow

A Platform Designer IP component publishes information by including Tcl assignment statements in its component description file, <component_name>_hw.tcl. Each assignment is a name-value pair that can be associated with the entire component, or with a single interface. When the assignment statement applies to the entire component, it is set using the set_module_assignment command. Assignment statements that apply to an interface are set using the set_interface_assignment command.

# These assignments apply to the entire component
# This is the syntax for the set_module_assignment command:
# set_module_assignment <assignment_name> <value>
# Here are 3 examples
set_module_assignment embeddedsw.CMacro.colorSpace "CMYK"
set_module_assignment embeddedsw.configuration.cpuArchitecture "My processor"
set_module_assignment embeddedsw.memoryInfo.IS_FLASH 1
# This is the syntax of the set_interface_assignment command:
# set_interface_assignment <interface_name> <assignment_name> <value>
# Here is an example
set_interface_assignment lcd0 embeddedsw.configuration.isPrintableDevice 1
Figure 19. Embedded Component Information Flow