F-Tile SDI II FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 710496
Date 9/15/2023

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2.4.2. Test Description

The simulation only checks for the assertion of trs_locked signal and the number of transceiver reconfiguration triggered after every video standard switching.

The following figure shows the sequence of the video standard for triple-rate design:

The following figure shows the sequence of the video standard for multi-rate design:

For single-rate design, there is one video standard being tested:

  • HD single-rate – HD
  • 3G single-rate – 3G Level A 10-bit Multiplex

If you turn on the Dynamic TX Clock Switching option, only one video standard is being tested with two different TX PHY reference clocks to demonstrate the switching.

  • HD single-rate – HD
  • 3G single-rate / triple rate – 3G Level A 10-bit Multiplex
  • Multi-rate – 12G 10-bit Multiplex Type 1
Figure 28. Simulation Waveform
Table 13.  Signals Description
Testbench signal Description
/tb_top/tb_rx_checker/rx_std Video standard keep switching after obtaining lock signal
/tb_top/tb_rx_checker/align_locked Lock signals from IP core
/tb_top/tb_rx_checker/reconfig_count Actual number of transceiver reconfiguration triggered after every video standard switching versus the expected number of configurations.

A successful simulation ends with the following message: