Visible to Intel only — GUID: poz1652884585057
Visible to Intel only — GUID: poz1652884585057
4.1.2. Rate Matcher
The rate matcher sets up the subblock interleaver for each output stream from Turbo encoder. The streams include a message bit stream dk (0), 1st parity bit stream dk (1) and 2nd parity bit stream dk (2). Where
- dk (0) = Xk
- dk (1) = Zk
- dk (2) = Z’k
for k= 0,1,2,…,K-1, and
- dK (0) = XK, dK+1 (0) = ZK+1, dK+2 (0) = X’K, dK+3 (0) = Z’K+1
- dK (1) = ZK, dK+1 (1) = XK+2, dK+2 (1) = Z’K, dK+3 (1) = X’K+2
- dK (2) = XK+1, dK+1 (2) = ZK+2, dK+2 (2) = X’K+1, dK+3 (2) = Z’K+2
for the termination bits, when k = K, K+1 and K+2.
The input and output of the subblock interleaver is 24 bits wide. The bit collector combines the streams that come from the subblock interleaver and stores the output in a circular buffer. Bit selector selects a total of E bits from the circular buffer and outputs E bits with 24 bits per cycle.