AN 818: Static Update Partial Reconfiguration Tutorial: for Intel® Stratix® 10 GX FPGA Development Board

ID 683826
Date 5/12/2021

1.5.2. Step 2: Create Design Partitions

Create design partitions for each region that you want to partially reconfigure. You can create any number of independent partitions or PR regions in your project. Follow these steps to create design partitions for the u_blinking_led instance as the PR partition, and the u_top_counter instance as the SUPR region:
  1. Right-click the u_blinking_led instance in the Project Navigator and click Design Partition > Reconfigurable. A design partition icon appears next to each instance that is set as a partition.
    Figure 4. Creating Design Partitions
  2. Repeat step 1 to create a partition for the u_top_counter instance.
  3. Click Assignments > Design Partitions Window. The window displays all design partitions in the project.
    Figure 5. Design Partitions Window
  4. Double-click the blinking_led Partition Name cell to rename it to pr_partition. Similarly, rename the top_counter partition to supr_partition.
Alternatively, adding the following lines to blinking_led.qsf creates these partitions:
set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION pr_partition \ -to u_blinking_led -entity top set_instance_assignment -name PARTIAL_RECONFIGURATION_PARTITION ON \ -to u_blinking_led -entity top set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION supr_partition \ -to u_top_counter -entity top set_instance_assignment -name PARTIAL_RECONFIGURATION_PARTITION ON \ -to u_top_counter -entity top