Multi Channel DMA Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express User Guide

ID 683821
Date 8/19/2022

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Document Table of Contents Channel Parameters

The channel parameters window allows you to read the transmitter and receiver settings for a given channel. It has the following 3 sub-windows. Use the Lane Refresh button to read the status of the General PHY, TX Path, and RX Path sub-windows for each channel.

Note: To refresh channel parameters for more than one lanes simultaneously, select the lanes under the Collection tab, right click and select Refresh.

General PHY

This tab shows the reset status of the PHY.

Table 162.  General PHY Settings
  Parameters Values Descriptions
PHY Status PHY reset Normal, Reset

Indicates the PHY is in reset mode.

Normal: PHY is out of reset.

Reset: PHY is in reset.

Event Counter 2 to clear the counter values. Elastic buffer overflow Hex value Indicates elastic buffer overflow errors.
Elastic buffer underflow Hex value Indicates elastic buffer underflow errors.
Decode error Hex value Indicates decode errors.
Running disparity error Hex value Indicates running disparity errors.
SYNC header error Hex value Indicates SYNC header errors.
RX valid deassertion without EIEOS Hex value Indicates errors when RX valid deassertion occurs without EIEOS.

TX Path

This tab allows you to monitor the transmitter settings for the channel selected.

Table 163.  Transmitter Settings
  Parameters Values Descriptions
TX Status TX Reset Normal, Reset

Indicates if TX (TX datapath, TX settings) is in reset or normal operating mode.

Normal: TX is in normal operating mode.

Reset: TX is in reset.

TX Electrical Idle True, False

Indicates if TX is in electrical idle.

True: indicates TX is in electrical idle.

False: indicates TX is out of electrical idle.

TX PLL TX PLL lock Green, Red

Indicates if TX PLL is locked. This is dependent on the PLL selected as indicated by TX PLL select.

There is one set of PLLs per Quad. The TX path of each channel reads out the PLL status corresponding to that Quad.
  • TX path for Ch0 to 3: Status of PLLs in Quad0
  • TX path for Ch4 to 7: Status of PLLs in Quad1
  • TX path for Ch8 to 11: Status of PLLs in Quad2
  • TX path for Ch12 to 15: Status of PLLs in Quad3

Green: TX PLL is locked.

Red: TX PLL is not locked.

TX VOD Iboost level

Gen3: 15

Gen4: 15

Indicates the transmitter current boost level when the TX amplitude boost mode is enabled.

Vboost en

Gen3: Enable

Gen4: Enable

Indicates if the TX swing boost level is enabled.

Enable: TX swing boost is enabled.

Disable: TX swing boost is disabled.

Vboost level

Gen3: 5

Gen4: 5

Indicates the TX Vboost level.
TX Equalization TX Equalization Status Not attempted, Completed, Unsuccessful Indicates transmitter equalization status. The TX local and remote parameters are valid only when the value of Equalization status is returned as completed, indicating equalization has completed successfully.
TX Local Preset P0 to P10 Indicates the P-tile transmitter driver preset value as requested by the link partner during the Equalization phase of link training. If the preset is not one of these values, then no value is shown.
Local Pre-shoot coefficient

Depends on the coefficient requested by the link partner.

Indicates P-tile transmitter driver output pre-emphasis (pre-cursor coefficient value).

Local main coefficient

Depends on the coefficient requested by the link partner.

Indicates P-tile transmitter driver output pre-emphasis (main cursor coefficient value).

Local post coefficient

Depends on the coefficient requested by the link partner.

Indicates P-tile transmitter driver output pre-emphasis (post-cursor coefficient value).

Remote Pre-shoot coefficient (†) Depends on the transmitter driver output of the link partner.

Indicates link partner's transmitter driver's output pre-cursor coefficient value, as received by P-tile during the Equalization phase of link training. When P-tile is configured in Endpoint mode, this value corresponds to the coefficient received during Phase 2 of Equalization.

Remote main coefficient (†) Depends on the transmitter driver output of the link partner.

Indicates link partner's transmitter driver's output main cursor coefficient value, as received by P-tile during the Equalization phase of link training. When P-tile is configured in Endpoint mode, this value corresponds to the coefficient received during Phase 2 of Equalization.

Remote post coefficient (†) Depends on the transmitter driver output of the link partner. Indicates the link partner's transmitter driver's output post-cursor coefficient value, as received by P-tile during the Equalization phase of link training. When P-tile is configured in Endpoint mode, this value corresponds to the coefficient received during Phase 2 of Equalization.
Remote full swing (fs) (†) Depends on the device capability of the link partner. Indicates the full swing value used by the link partner during the Equalization phase of link training.
Remote low frequency (lf) (†) Depends on the device capability of the link partner.

Indicates the low frequency value used by the link partner during the Equalization phase of link training.

Note: (†) Refer to the following sections of the PCI Express* Base Specification Revision 4.0: 4.2.3 Link Equalization Procedure for 8.0 GT/s and Higher Data Rates and 8.3.3 Tx Voltage Parameters.
Figure 57. Example of Transmitter Settings

RX Path

This tab allows you to monitor and control the receiver settings for the channel selected.
Table 164.  Receiver Settings
  Parameters Values Descriptions
RX Status RX Reset Normal, Reset

Indicates if RX (RX datapath, RX settings) is in reset or normal operating mode.

Normal: RX is in normal operating mode.

Reset: RX is in reset.

RX Polarity No polarity inversion, Polarity inversion

Indicates RX polarity inversion for the selected lane.

No polarity inversion: no polarity inversion on RX.

Polarity inversion: polarity inversion on RX.

RX Electrical Idle True, False

Indicates if RX is in electrical idle or not.

True: RX is in electrical idle.

False: RX is out of electrical idle.

Receiver Detected Green, Grey

Green: Far end receiver is detected.

Grey: Far end receiver is not detected.

RX CDR CDR Lock Green, Red

Indicates the CDR lock state.

Green: CDR is locked.

Red: CDR is not locked.

CDR Mode Locked to Reference (LTR), Locked to Data (LTD)

Indicates the CDR lock mode.

LTR: CDR is locked to reference clock.

LTD: CDR is locked to data.

RX Equalization RX ATT

Gen3: 0

Gen4: 0

Indicates the RX equalization attenuation level.


Gen3: 12

Gen4: 16

Indicates the RX CTLE boost value.


Gen3: 2

Gen4: 2

Indicates the RX CTLE pole value.


Gen3: 5

Gen4: 5

Indicates the RX AFE first stage VGA gain value.


Gen3: 5

Gen4: 5

Indicates the RX AFE second stage VGA gain value.

DFE Enable Enable, Disable

Indicates DFE adaptation is enabled for taps 1 - 5.

Enable: DFE adaptation is enabled for taps 1 - 5.

Disable: DFE adaptation is disabled for taps 1 - 5.

DFE Tap1 adapted value <-128 to 127>

Indicates the adapted value of DFE tap 1. This is a signed input (two's complement encoded).

DFE Tap2 adapted value <-32 to 31>

Indicates the adapted value of DFE tap 2. This is a signed input (two's complement encoded).

DFE Tap3 adapted value <-32 to 31>

Indicates the adapted value of DFE tap 3. This is a signed input (two's complement encoded).

DFE Tap4 adapted value <-32 to 31>

Indicates the adapted value of DFE tap 4. This is a signed input (two's complement encoded).

DFE Tap5 adapted value <-32 to 31>

Indicates the adapted value of DFE tap 5. This is a signed input (two's complement encoded).

Figure 58. Example of Receiver Settings
2 Use Clear event counter