External Memory Interfaces Stratix® 10 FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683741
Date 11/28/2024
Document Table of Contents Linking the Project to a Device

  1. To launch the toolkit, select External Memory Interface Toolkit from the Tools menu in the Quartus® Prime software.
  2. After you have launched the toolkit, open your project and click the Initialize connections task in the Tasks window, to initialize a list of all known connections.
  3. To link your project to a specific device on specific hardware, perform the following steps:
    1. Click the Link Project to Device task in the Tasks window.
    2. Select the desired hardware from the Hardware dropdown menu in the Link Project to Device dialog box.
    3. Select the desired device on the hardware from the Device dropdown menu in the Link Project to Device dialog box.
    4. Select SOF as the Link file type, verify that the .sof file is correct for your programmed device, and click Ok.
Figure 121. Link Project to Device Dialog Box

Link Project to Device Dialog Box

For designs compiled in the Quartus® Prime software, the SOF file contains a design hash to ensure the SOF file used to program the device matches the SOF file specified for linking to a project. If the hash does not match, an error message appears.

If the toolkit successfully verifies all connections, it then attempts to determine the connection type for each connection. Connections of a known type are listed in the Linked Connections report, and are available for the toolkit to use.