Quartus® Prime Pro Edition: Version 24.1 Software and Device Support Release Notes

ID 683706
Date 4/01/2024

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1.15. Latest Known Quartus® Prime Software Issues

Information about known issues that affect Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 24.1 is available in the Intel FPGA Knowledge Base.

For the latest information about issues that affect Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 24.1, review the Intel® FPGA Knowledge Base articles that apply to Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 24.1 .

Table 27.  Important Known Issues Affecting Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 24.1
Description Workaround

Some Intel® FPGA IP products that previously included a Nios® II processor now use a Nios® V processor.

If you do not have a valid Nios® V license, you might receive an error message when you generate programming files for a design that includes these Intel® FPGA IP products.

For details and a workaround, refer to Why do I get an error in generating programming files and it shows as invalid license for Nios® V Processor for Intel® FPGA in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 24.1? in the Intel® FPGA Knowledge Base.

For Agilex™ 5 devices, Synopsys* VCS* simulation software might produce wrong results. For details and a workaround, refer to Why does Synopsys* VCS* simulator produce wrong simulation results for Agilex™ 5 FPGAs? in the Intel® FPGA Knowledge Base.

You can find known issue information for previous versions of the Quartus® Prime software on the Intel FPGA Knowledge Base web page.

Information about known software issues that affect previous versions of the Quartus® II software is available on the Quartus® Prime and Quartus II Software Support web page.

Information about issues affecting the Intel® FPGA IP Library is available in the release notes for each IP. You can find the IP release notes on the Intel® FPGA Documentation Index web page.