Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition: Getting Started Guide

ID 683680
Date 10/02/2023

A newer version of this document is available. Customers should click here to go to the newest version.

Document Table of Contents

B. Document Revision History for Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Getting Started Guide

Document Version Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version Changes
2023.10.02 23.3
  • Maintenance release.

    Updated <quartus_installdir> path information for Version 23.3.

2023.06.26 23.2
  • Maintenance release.

    Updated <quartus_installdir> path information for Version 23.2.

2023.04.03 23.1
  • Maintenance release.

    Updated <quartus_installdir> path information for Version 23.1.

2022.12.19 22.4
  • Added pending deprecation notice.
  • Updated <quartus_installdir> path information for Version 22.4.
2022.09.23 22.3
  • Maintenance release.

    Updated <quartus_installdir> path information for Version 22.3.

2022.06.20 22.2
  • Maintenance release.

    Updated <quartus_installdir> path information for Version 22.2.

2022.03.28 22.1
  • Maintenance release.

    Updated <quartus_installdir> path information for Version 22.1.

2021.12.13 21.4
2021.10.04 21.3
  • Replaced references to ModelSim* - Intel® FPGA Edition with Siemens* EDA Questa* Intel® FPGA Edition.
2021.06.21 21.2
  • Revised the descriptions of tutorials in High Level Synthesis (HLS) Design Examples and Tutorials to align with new Avalon Interconnect terminology. Avalon master interfaces are now Avalon host interfaces, and Avalon slave interfaces are now Avalon agent interfaces.
  • Renamed the following tutorials to align with the new Avalon Interconnect terminology.
    Table 11.  Renamed Intel® HLS Compiler Tutorials Intel® HLS Compiler tutorials are in the following location:
    Old Tutorial Name New Tutorial Name
    component_memories/attributes_on_mm_slave_arg component_memories/attributes_on_mm_agent_arg
    interfaces/mm_master_testbench_operators interfaces/mm_host_testbench_operators
    interfaces/mm_slaves interfaces/mm_agents
    interfaces/mm_slaves_CSR_volatile interfaces/mm_agents_CSR_volatile
    interfaces/mm_slaves_double_buffering interfaces/mm_agents_double_buffering
    interfaces/pointer_mm_master interfaces/pointer_mm_host
2021.03.29 21.1
2020.12.14 20.4
2020.09.28 20.3
2020.06.22 20.2
2020.04.13 20.1
2019.12.16 19.4

Document Revision History for Intel® HLS Compiler Getting Started Guide

Previous versions of the Intel® HLS Compiler Getting Started Guide contained information for both Intel® HLS Compiler Standard Edition and Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition.

Document Version Intel® Quartus® Prime Version Changes
2019.09.30 19.3
  • Removed the following tutorials:
    • bank_bits
    • mm_slave
    • rom
    • struct_member_attributes
  • Added the following tutorials:
    • memory_bank_configuration
    • memory_geometry
    • memory_implementation
    • memory_merging
    • static_var_init
    • attributes_on_mm_slave_arg
    • exceptions
    • lsu_control
    • relax_reducation_dependency
  • Added Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Professional and Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community as supported C++ compilers.
  • Removed Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Professional and Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community as supported C++ compilers.
2019.07.01 19.2
2019.04.01 19.1
2018.12.24 18.1
2018.09.24 18.1
2018.05.07 18.0
  • Starting with Intel® Quartus® Prime Version 18.0, the features and devices supported by the Intel® HLS Compiler depend on what edition of Intel® Quartus® Prime you have. Intel® HLS Compiler publications now use icons to indicate content and features that apply only to a specific edition as follows:
    Indicates that a feature or content applies only to the Intel® HLS Compiler provided with Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition.
    Indicates that a feature or content applies only to the Intel® HLS Compiler provided with Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition.
  • Added the following tutorials to the list of tutorials in High Level Synthesis (HLS) Design Examples and Tutorials:
    • interfaces/explicit_streams_packets_empty
    • interfaces/explicit_streams_ready_latency
    • best_practices/ac_datatypes
    • best_practices/loop_coalesce
    • best_practices/random_number_generator
  • Renamed the following tutorials to reflect some Intel® Quartus® Prime component name changes:
    • usability/qsys_2xclock is now usability/platform_designer_2xclock
    • usability/qsys_stitching is now usability/platform_designer_stitching
2017.12.22 17.1.1
2017.12.08 17.0
  • Updated the Mentor Graphics* ModelSim* software requirements to include the required Red Hat development tools packages.
2017.11.06 17.0
  • The Intel® High Level Synthesis (HLS) Compiler is now part of Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite, resulting in the following changes:
    • Revised to document to reflect that you now get the Intel® HLS Compiler by installing Intel® Quartus® Prime software.
    • Removed most licensing information. Licensing the Intel® HLS Compiler is now covered by your Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite licensing. Some third-party software required by the HLS compiler might continue to require additional licensing.
    • Removed information about overriding compilers.
    • Revised prerequisites to reflect only additional prerequisites required by the HLS compiler.
    • Revised path information to reflect the new file system locations of the Intel® HLS Compiler files.
  • Renamed the following tutorials:
    • The explicit_streams tutorial is now called explicit_streams_buffer.
    • The explicit_streams_2 tutorial is now called explicit_streams_packets_ready_valid.
  • Minor changes and corrections.
  • Removed bit operations (3DES) from list of supplied design examples.
  • Added installation of required packages and libraries needed for Linux.
  • Changed success message in Quick Start sections to PASSED.
  • Added HLS Design Examples and Tutorials section.
  • Moved Running an HLS Design Example on Linux and Running an HLS Design Example on Windows to HLS Design Examples and Tutorials.
  • In HLS Compiler Prerequisites, updated software requirements to note that the HLS compiler supports all ModelSim software editions that the Intel® Quartus® Prime software supports.
  • In HLS Compiler Quick Start, added a note that you must run the init_hls script each time you start a shell or terminal to develop your design.
  • In HLS Compiler Quick Start, separated the Linux and Windows instructions.
  • In Running an HLS Design Example, separated the Linux and Windows instructions. For Linux, run the make command; for Windows, run the build.bat command.
  • Changed the test_x86-64 command option to test-x86-64.
  • Changed the test_fpga command option to test-fpga.
  • Removed the instruction to run the make test_qii command for Linux and the build.bat test_qii command for Windows because it is no longer necessary.
  • In HLS Licensing Error Messages, updated the error message you will see if the HLS compiler fails to locate the ModelSim software license.
  • Initial release.