Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Optimization

ID 683641
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents DSE II Result Management

DSE II compares the compilation results to determine the best Quartus® Prime software settings for the design. The Report page displays a summary of results.

In an exploration, DSE II selects the best worst-case slack value from among all timing corners across all exploration points. If you want to optimize for worst-case setup slack or hold slack, specify timing constraints in the Quartus® Prime software.

Disk Space

By default, DSE II saves all the compilation data. You can save disk space by limiting the type of files that you want to save after a compilation finishes. These settings are in the Exploration page, Results section.


DSE II has reporting tools that help you quickly determine important design metrics, such as worse-case slack, across all exploration points.

DSE II provides a performance data report for all points it explores and saves the information in a project-name.dse.rpt file in the project directory. DSE II archives the settings of the exploration points in Quartus® Prime Archive Files (.qar).