Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Optimization

ID 683641
Date 9/30/2024
Document Table of Contents

7.4.11. place_node


Places the node that you specify in a location that the ECO Fitter selects. Optionally, you can specify the location argument to assign a specific device region location. You can also run this command for nodes already placed by the Fitter.

place_node also supports placement of newly added or existing flip-flops. place_node does not support Hyper-Register locations.


The following examples show three placement cases. For node1, the ECO Fitter determines the placement location. For node2, the command specifies the exact LAB location constraint. For node3, the command specifies a placement region constraint.

place_node -name node1 # let ECO Fitter decide placement
place_node -name node2 -location FF_X20_Y60_N17 # place node at specific location
place_node -name node3 -location “X10 Y10 X20 Y20” # place node in region
place_node -name my_ff -location “X10 Y10 X10 Y10” # place flip-flop in region


Name of the node.
Device region coordinates (X1 Y1 X10 Y10) (X1 Y1) (FF_X20_Y60_N17).