Agilex™ 7 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683567
Date 8/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

19.4.5. SPI Slave

The SPI slave handles serial communication with transfer initiated and controlled by serial master peripheral devices.

  • sclk_in—serial clock to the SPI slave †
  • ss_in_n—slave select input to the SPI slave †
  • ss_oe_n—output enable for the SPI master or slave †
  • txd—transmit data line for the SPI master or slave †
  • rxd—receive data line for the SPI master or slave †

When the SPI serial slave is selected, it enables its txd data onto the serial bus. All data transfers to and from the serial slave are regulated on the serial clock line (sclk_in), driven from the SPI master device. Data are propagated from the serial slave on one edge of the serial clock line and sampled on the opposite edge. †

When the SPI serial slave is not selected, it must not interfere with data transfers between the serial-master and other serial-slave devices. When the serial slave is not selected, its txd output is buffered, resulting in a high impedance drive onto the SPI master rxd line. The buffers shown in the SPI Slave figure are external to the SPI controller. spi_oe_n is the SPI slave output enable signal. †

The serial clock that regulates the data transfer is generated by the serial-master device and input to the SPI slave on sclk_in. The slave remains in an idle state until selected by the bus master. When not actively transmitting data, the slave must hold its txd line in a high impedance state to avoid interference with serial transfers to other slave devices. The SPI slave output enable (ss_oe_n) signal is available for use to control the txd output buffer. The slave continues to transfer data to and from the master device as long as it is selected. If the master transmits to all serial slaves, a control bit (SLV_OE) in the SPI control register 0 (CTRLR0) can be programmed to inform the slave if it should respond with data from its txd line. †

Figure 92. SPI Slave

The slv_oe bit in the control register is only valid if the SPI slave interface is routed to the FPGA. To use the SPI slave in a multi master system or in a system that requires the SPI slave TXD to be tri-stated, you can do the following:

  • If you want the SPI slave to control the tri-state of TXD, it must be routed to the FPGA first and use the FPGA IO.
  • If you do not want to route to the FPGA, then software control of the TXD (tri-state) must be performed with the already included code to control via an HPS GPIO input. Please refer to the pin connection guidelines to find which GPIO pins correspond to which HPS SPI slave SS ports.