Mailbox Client with Avalon® Streaming Interface Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683510
Date 9/26/2022

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1. Mailbox Client with Avalon® Streaming Interface Intel FPGA IP Overview

Updated for:
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite 22.3
IP Version 1.0.1
The Mailbox Client with Avalon® streaming interface Intel® FPGA IP (Mailbox Client with Avalon® ST Client IP) provides a communication channel between your custom logic and the secure device manager (SDM). You can use the Mailbox Client with Avalon® ST IP to send command packets and receive response packets from SDM peripheral modules. The Mailbox Client with Avalon® ST IP defines functions that the SDM runs.

Your custom logic can use this communication channel to receive information and access flash memory from the following peripheral modules:

  • The Chip ID
  • The Temperature Sensor
  • The Voltage Sensor
  • Quad serial peripheral interface (SPI) flash memory
Note: Throughout this user guide, the term Avalon® ST abbreviates the Avalon® streaming interface or IP.
Figure 1. Mailbox Client with Avalon® ST IP System Design
The following figure shows an application in which the Mailbox Client with Avalon® ST IP reads the Chip ID.
Figure 2. Mailbox Client with Avalon® ST IP Reads Chip ID