Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Power Analysis and Optimization

ID 683506
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

2.6. Power Optimization Advisor

The Intel® Quartus® Prime Power Optimization Advisor provides advice and recommendations based on the current design project settings and assignments. You run the Advisor after the Power Analyzer.
Figure 31. Power Optimization AdvisorPower Optimization Advisor after compiling a design that is not fully optimized for power.

The Power Optimization Advisor organizes the recommendations into stages that suggest the implementation order. Each recommendation includes a description, summary of the effect of the recommendation, and the action required to make the appropriate setting.

An icon indicates whether each recommended setting is made in the current project. Checkmark icons appear next to recommendations that are already implemented, warning icons appear next to recommendations that are not followed for this compilation. Information icons indicate general suggestions.

Recommendations include a link to the location in the Intel® Quartus® Prime GUI where you can change the setting. After implementing the recommended changes, recompile your design. You can verify power results with the Power Analyzer.