Intel® FPGA Software Installation and Licensing

ID 683472
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

5.7.4. Syntax of license.dat License File

The license.dat file must meet these conditions to ensure license integrity:
  • The text editor does not append .txt or any other file extension to the file name, for example, license.dat.txt, otherwise the software cannot find the license.
  • The last FEATURE line ends with a carriage return (new line).
  • Any FEATURE line that wraps to a second or third line must have a backslash (\) at the end of each line to indicate that the statement continues. However; VENDOR_STRING statements that wrap to multiple lines do not need a backslash (\). The backslash should only be added outside the line with double quotation marks (").
  • The license file does not have hidden control characters:
    • Opening the license file with any software other than a plain text editor may add hidden characters.

      For example, WYSIWYG editors such as Microsoft Excel, Word, or WordPad, may insert special control characters such as a tab or carriage return. Pasting special control characters into another plain text document can corrupt the license, even if those characters are invisible in a plain text editor.

    • If you edit the license file in one operating system, then copy the license file in another operating system, and then copy the license file to the Windows* operating system, the second operating system may insert unwanted control characters into the license file. Make sure that you correctly convert the file.

For information about the contents of a license file and example licenses, refer to About Intel FPGA Software License Files