Visible to Intel only — GUID: zzp1515634397836
Visible to Intel only — GUID: zzp1515634397836
2.3.2. Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Software Requirements
The Intel HLS Compiler requires the C++ Compiler and Siemens EDA* Questa* Software in addition to Intel® Quartus® Prime:
C++ Compiler
On Linux, Intel® HLS Compiler requires GCC 9.3.0 including the GNU C++ library and binary utilities (binutils).
This version of GCC is provided as part of your Intel® HLS Compiler installation. After installing the Intel® HLS Compiler, GCC 9.3.0 is available in <installdir>/gcc.
- Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2017 Professional
- Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2017 Community
For Questa*-Intel® FPGA Edition software requirements, refer to Questa*-Intel FPGA Edition Software Requirements