Intel® High Level Synthesis Compiler Pro Edition: User Guide

ID 683456
Date 6/26/2023

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B. Intel® HLS Compiler Pro Edition Restrictions

When creating your IP using the HLS compiler, be aware of the current set of software and programming restrictions.

C++ Language Restrictions

The Intel® HLS Compiler accepts C++ code.

  • A component cannot include virtual functions, function pointers, or bit fields.
  • Function-scoped static variables that are a part of the component cannot use function arguments for initialization.
  • A component or task function cannot contain an irreducible loop. That is, loops in component and task functions must have only one entry point into the loop.
C++ restrictions
  • The HLS compiler does not support using lambda functions as components.
Class membership
  • HLS component functions cannot be a C++ class member. However, you can declare your component function as a wrapper function. This wrapper function can call a member function of a class or a part of a namespace.
Exception handling
  • A component cannot contain exception handling.
Library calls
  • The HLS compiler does not currently support calls to C++ runtime libraries on Windows, including calls from the testbench code.
Library functions
  • A component cannot contain standard C or C++ library functions, unless they are explicitly supported by header files provided with the Intel® HLS Compiler.
Multiple inheritance
  • The HLS compiler does not support classes with multiple inheritance used as parameters. You may use classes as parameters provided that each class inherits from, at most, one class directly.
  • HLS component functions cannot be a part of a declared namespace. However, you can declare your component function as a global wrapper function. This wrapper function can call a member function of a class or a part of a namespace
  • The HLS compiler does not support classes with multiple inheritance used as parameters. You may use classes as parameters if each class inherits from, at most, one class directly.
  • The HLS compiler does not support the synthesis of components that use recursion; however, tail recursion is supported.

    If a component has an algorithm that uses recursion, and it is identified for FPGA acceleration, modify the algorithm to use tail recursion, if possible.