Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 4/01/2024

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Document Table of Contents qed::configure_lsf_compute_spec (::quartus::qed)

The following table displays information for the qed::configure_lsf_compute_spec Tcl command:

Tcl Package and Version

Belongs to ::quartus::qed

Syntax qed::configure_lsf_compute_spec [-h | -help] [-long_help] [-exe <quartus_sta|quartus_cdb|quartus_sh> ] [-exe_options <exe_options> ] [-env <env> ] [-error_file <error_file> ] [-initial_work_dir <initial_work_dir> ] [-lm_license_file <lm_license_file> ] [-local_remote_path_map <local_remote_path_map> ] [-output_file <output_file> ] [-priority <priority> ] [-processor_limit <processor_limit> ] [-quartus_rootdir <quartus_rootdir> ] [-queue <queue> ] [-resource_requirements <resource_requirements> ] <object>
Arguments -h | -help Short help
-long_help Long help with examples and possible return values
-exe <quartus_sta|quartus_cdb|quartus_sh> Executable to open the project with. Dictates the packages and commands that will be available to run.
-exe_options <exe_options> List of options to pass to executable.
-env <env> Comma-separated list of environment variables to pass to job
-error_file <error_file> File to store standard error output. Use %J or %I to include job id or index id in the directory or filename
-initial_work_dir <initial_work_dir> Initial working directory on remote host. The remote host will start in this directory.
-lm_license_file <lm_license_file> LM_LICENSE_FILE environment setting
-local_remote_path_map <local_remote_path_map> The shared directory mapping between local and remote host
-output_file <output_file> File to store standard output. You can include Job id using %J or Index id %I in the directory or filename
-priority <priority> Job priority on your LSF farm. The higher the number, the higher the priority
-processor_limit <processor_limit> Minimum number of processors, and optionally, a maximum number of processors for the job
-quartus_rootdir <quartus_rootdir> Appropriate Quartus Prime Pro installation folder to access the project
-queue <queue> One or more comma-separated queues. Check with your administrator for a list of valid queues for your LSF farm
-resource_requirements <resource_requirements> Required resources. Used to restrict to machines with specific memory requirements
<object> Identifier associated with the object, must be unique
Sets properties on the specified object to cause background Quartus
Prime Pro software instances to execute through the LSF workload
management platform.

Use the following options to configure the LSF settings:
 * -resource_requirements
 * -queue
 * -initial_work_dir
 * -env
 * -local_remote_path_map
 * -priority
 * -output_file
 * -error_file
 * -processor_limit

The "-exe" option specifies the Quartus Prime Pro executable to run.
The supported options are quartus_sta, quartus_cdb, and quartus_sh.

The "-exe_options" option specifies any options passed to the
executable that is specified with the "-exe" option.

The "-quartus_rootdir" option specifies the directory location of the
desired Quartus Prime Pro software installation. This is the root directory
of the software installation, not the bin directory.

The "-lm_license_file" option specifies the LM_LICENSE_FILE value
that will be passed to the Quartus Prime Pro software executable. If you
don't know the value, look in the Tools > License Setup dialog in
the Quartus Prime Pro software GUI.
Example Usage
    qed::configure_lsf_compute_spec workspace_id -exe quartus_sta
Return Value Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 INFO: Operation successful