Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 12/04/2023

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Document Table of Contents qed::add_projects_from_archive (::quartus::qed)

The following table displays information for the qed::add_projects_from_archive Tcl command:

Tcl Package and Version

Belongs to ::quartus::qed

Syntax qed::add_projects_from_archive [-h | -help] [-long_help] [-subdir <subdir> ] [-num_seeds <num_seeds> ] [-id_pattern <id_pattern> ] [-group <group> ] <archive>
Arguments -h | -help Short help
-long_help Long help with examples and possible return values
-subdir <subdir> Directory name to create and restore the archive into. If specified, the directory must not yet exist. If unspecified, a sub-directory named after the archive will be created within the current directory.
-num_seeds <num_seeds> Number of new seeds to create. Each seed will have its own associated project in a separate subdirectory.
-id_pattern <id_pattern> Pattern used to generate revision names. \"%BASE_ID%\" will be replaced with the ID the first project found inside the archive. \"%SEED%\" will be replaced with the seed value being assigned to the new revision.
-group <group> Group ID to add the restored projects to
<archive> Archive file to restore and add to the workspace
Restores a Quartus Prime Pro archive file (.qar) into a fresh directory
and connects the created project to an opened workspace.

Since this command launches remote connections before completing, the
newly created projects must have access to a valid inherited compute
specification, either via the workspace or a group object that is provided
by "-group". See qed::get_inherited_compute_spec_args and qed::launch_connection
for more details.

The "-subdir" argument specifies the name of the fresh directory to create
during the restoration process.  If specified, the directory must not yet
exist. If unspecified, a sub-directory named after the archive will be created
within the current directory.

The "-num_seeds" argument controls how many times the archive is restored.
If the value of the "-num_seeds" argument is greater than 1, a separate
directory will be created for each restored project and the SEED global
assignment value will be set to a different value in each project before
this command completes.

The "-id_pattern" option controls each "id" property of the project objects which are created
when this command completes. These IDs must be unique within the workspace. In order to
guarantee this uniqueness, the seed value may be incorporated into the generated ID by including
the substring "%SEED%" into the -id_pattern value. This substring will be replaced with the unique
seed that will be set once the revision is created. For example, if the original project
had a seed value of 4, -num_seeds 3 is specified, and the -id_pattern argument is
set to "seed_%SEED%", the resulting projects will have IDs of "seed_5", "seed_6" and "seed_7"
respectively. To derive the IDs of the new projects after the archive project's name,
include the substring "%BASE_ID%" in the -id_pattern argument.
Example Usage
    qed::workspace_new my_workspace
    qed::configure_local_compute_spec my_workspace
    qed::add_projects_from_archive my_archive.qar -num_seeds 3
Return Value Code Name Code String Return
TCL_OK 0 INFO: Operation successful