Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Scripting

ID 683432
Date 4/03/2023

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3.4.3. Reporting

You can extract information from the Compilation Report to evaluate results. The Intel® Quartus® Prime Tcl API provides easy access to report data so you do not have to write scripts to parse the text report files.

If you know the exact report cell or cells you want to access, use the get_report_panel_data command and specify the row and column names (or x and y coordinates) and the name of the appropriate report panel. You can often search for data in a report panel. To do this, use a loop that reads the report one row at a time with the get_report_panel_row command.

Column headings in report panels are in row 0. If you use a loop that reads the report one row at a time, start with row 1 to skip column headings. The get_number_of_rows command returns the number of rows in the report panel, including the column heading row. Since the number of rows includes the column heading row, continue your loop if the loop index is less than the number of rows.

Report panels are hierarchically arranged and each level of hierarchy is denoted by the string “||“ in the panel name. For example, the name of the Fitter Settings report panel is Fitter||Fitter Settings because it is in the Fitter folder. Panels at the highest hierarchy level do not use the “||” string. For example, the Flow Settings report panel is named Flow Settings.

The following Tcl code prints a list of all report panel names in your project. You can run this code with any executable that includes support for the report package.

Print All Report Panel Names

load_package report
project_open myproject
set panel_names [get_report_panel_names]
foreach panel_name $panel_names {
post_message "$panel_name"