Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
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4.4.1. Test Pattern Generator

Figure 135. Test Pattern Generator CoreThe test pattern generator core accepts commands to generate data via an Avalon® ‑MM command interface, and drives the generated data to an Avalon® -ST data interface. You can parameterize most aspects of the Avalon® -ST data interface, such as the number of error bits and data signal width, thus allowing you to test components with different interfaces.

The data pattern is calculated as: Symbol Value = Symbol Position in Packet XOR Data Error Mask. Data that is not organized in packets is a single stream with no beginning or end. The test pattern generator has a throttle register that is set via the Avalon® -MM control interface. The test pattern generator uses the value of the throttle register in conjunction with a pseudo-random number generator to throttle the data generation rate.