Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents Apply Instance Parameters at a Higher-Level Platform Designer System and Pass the Parameters to the Instantiated Lower-Level System

This procedure shows you how to use Platform Designer instance parameters to control the implementation of an on-chip memory component as part of a hierarchical instance parameter example.
  1. In the instantiating_memory_system.qsys system, in the Hierarchy tab, click and expand system_0 (memory_system.qsys).
  2. Click View > Parameters.
    The instance parameters for the memory_system.qsys display in the parameter editor.
    Figure 41. Displays memory_system.qsys Instance Parameters in the Parameter Editor
  3. On the Parameters tab, change the value of memory_data_width to 16, and memory_memory_size to 2048.
  4. In the Hierarchy tab, under system_0 (memory_system.qsys), click onchip_memory_0.
    When you select onchip_memory_0, the new parameter values for Data width and Total memory size size are displayed.
    Figure 42. Changing the Values of an Instance Parameters