Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents

4.5. Avalon® -ST Splitter Core

Figure 137.  Avalon® -ST Splitter CoreThe Avalon® -ST Splitter Core allows you to replicate transactions from an Avalon® -ST sink interface to multiple Avalon® -ST source interfaces. This core supports from 1 to 16 outputs.

The Avalon® -ST Splitter core copies input signals from the input interface to the corresponding output signals of each output interface without altering the size or functionality. This includes all signals except for the ready signal. The core includes a clock signal to determine the Avalon® -ST interface and clock domain where the core resides. Because the splitter core does not use the clock signal internally, latency is not introduced when using this core.