Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents

6.1. Run the Platform Designer Editor with qsys-edit

The qsys-edit utility allows you to run the Platform Designer editor from command-line.

You can use the following options with the qsys-edit utility:

Table 163.  qsys-edit Command-Line Options
Option Usage Description
1st arg file
Optional Specifies the name of the .qsys system or .qvar variation file to edit.
Optional If you omit this command, Platform Designer uses a standard default path. If you provide a search path, Platform Designer searches a comma-separated list of paths. To include the standard path in your replacement, use "$", for example:
Optional Sets the device family.
Optional Sets the device part number. If set, this option overrides the --family option.
Optional Specifies the component locations relative to the project, if any. Default option is '.' (current directory). To exclude any project directory, use ''.
Optional Specifies the instance type for parameterization in a variation.
Optional/Repeatable Specifies the value of a system info setting.
Optional Marks the loading system as requiring generation.
Optional Enables debugging features and output.
Optional Specifies the instance type that you want to parameterize in a variation.
Optional The maximum memory size that Platform Designer uses when running qsys-edit. You specify this value as <size><unit>, where unit is m (or M) for multiples of megabytes, or g (or G) for multiples of gigabytes. The default value is 512m.
Optional Displays help for qsys-edit.
Important: The options --quartus-project and --new-quartus-project are mutually exclusive. If you use --quartus-project you cannot use --new-quartus-project and vice versa.

Extended Features with the --debug Options

The --debug option provides powerful tools for debugging. When you launch Platform Designer with the --debug option enabled, you can:

  • View debug messages when opening a system or generating HDL for that system.
  • Add the --verbose argument when generating IP or a system using command-line utilities.
  • Access internal library components in the IP Catalog, for example, modules used to create interconnect fabric.
  • Access to debug tools and files from the Internal menu.
Figure 156. Internal Menu Options
Table 164.  Debug Options on the Internal Menu
Menu Item Description
Show hw.tcl Debugger Displays a Tcl debugger.
Show System File Displays the current system XML in a text dialog box.
Show SOPCINFO File Shows the SOPCINFO report XML in a text dialog box.
Show UI Properties Displays the UI properties in a text dialog box.
Show Command Line Arguments Displays all command-line arguments and environment variables in a text dialog box.
Show System Changes Displays dynamic system changes in a text dialog box.
Make Model Read-only Makes the system you are working in read-only.
Take Screenshots Creates a .png file in the <project_directory> by default. You can navigate and save to a directory of your choice.
Show Plug-In Catalog Displays library details such as type, version, tags, etc. for all IPs in the IP Catalog.
Show Adapter Reports Displays adapter reports for any adapters added when transforming the system.
  • You can view detailed debugging messages in the Component Editor while building a custom IP component.
  • You can view the generated Tcl script while editing in the Component Editor with the Advanced > Show Tcl for Component command.
  • You can launch the System Console with debug logging.