Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents

3.5. Reset Interfaces

Reset interfaces provide both soft and hard reset functionality. Soft reset logic typically re-initializes registers and memories without powering down the device. Hard reset logic initializes the device after power-on. You can define separate reset sources for each clock domain, a single reset source for all clocks, or any combination in between.

You can choose to create a single global reset domain by selecting Create Global Reset Network on the System menu. If your design requires more than one reset domain, you can implement your own reset logic and connectivity. The IP Catalog includes a reset controller, reset sequencer, and a reset bridge to implement the reset functionality. You can also design your own reset logic.

Note: If you design your own reset circuitry, you must carefully consider situations which may result in system lockup. For example, if an Avalon® ‑MM slave is reset in the middle of a transaction, the Avalon® ‑MM master may lockup.