Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents

5.7.3. Name HDL Signals for Automatic Interface and Type Recognition in the Platform Designer Component Editor

If you create the component's top-level HDL file before using the Component Editor, the Component Editor recognizes the interface and signal types based on the signal names in the source HDL file. This auto-recognition feature eliminates the task of manually assigning each interface and signal type in the Component Editor.

To enable auto-recognition, you must create signal names using the following naming convention:

<interface type prefix>_<interface name>_<signal type>

Specifying an interface name with <interface name> is optional if you have only one interface of each type in the component definition. For interfaces with only one signal, such as clock and reset inputs, the <interface type prefix> is also optional.

Table 160.  Interface Type Prefixes for Automatic Signal Recognition When the Component Editor recognizes a valid prefix and signal type for a signal, it automatically assigns an interface and signal type to the signal based on the naming convention. If no interface name is specified for a signal, you can choose an interface name on the Signals & Interfaces tab in the Component Editor.
Interface Prefix Interface Type

Avalon® -ST sink (input)


Avalon® -ST source (output)


Avalon® ‑MM master


Avalon® ‑MM slave

axm AXI master
axs AXI slave
apm APB master
aps APB slave
coe Conduit
csi Clock Sink (input)
cso Clock Source (output)
inr Interrupt receiver
ins Interrupt sender

Nios® II custom instruction master


Nios® II custom instruction slave

rsi Reset sink (input)
rso Reset source (output)

Avalon® ‑TC master


Avalon® ‑TC slave

Refer to the Avalon® Interface Specifications or the AMBA* Protocol Specification for the signal types available for each interface type.