Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents Avalon® -MM Unaligned Burst Expansion Bridge Parameters

Figure 114.  Avalon® -MM Unaligned Burst Expansion Bridge Parameter Editor

Table 85.   Avalon® -MM Unaligned Burst Expansion Bridge Parameters
Parameter Description
Data width Data width of the master connected to the bridge.
Address width (in WORDS) The address width of the master connected to the bridge.
Burstcount width The burstcount signal width of the master connected to the bridge.
Maximum pending read transactions

The Maximum pending read transactions parameter is the maximum number of pending reads that the Avalon® -MM bridge can queue up. To determine the best value for this parameter, review this same option for the bridge's connected slaves and identify the highest value of the parameter, and then add the internal buffering requirements of the Avalon® -MM bridge. In general, the value is between 4 and 32. The limit for maximum queued transactions is 64.

Width of slave to optimize for

The data width of the connected slave. Supported values are: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096 bits.

Note: If you connect multiple slaves, all slaves must have the same data width.
Pipeline command signals When turned on, the command path is pipelined, minimizing the bridge's critical path at the expense of increased logic usage and latency.