Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents

5.1.1. Platform Designer Interface Support

Platform Designer is most effective when you use standard interfaces available in the IP Catalog to design custom IP. Standard interfaces operate efficiently with Intel FPGA IP components, and you can take advantage of the bus functional models (BFMs), monitors, and other verification IP that the IP Catalog provides.

Platform Designer supports the following interface specifications:

  • Intel FPGA Avalon® Memory-Mapped and Streaming
  • Arm* AMBA* 3 AXI (version 1.0)
  • Arm* AMBA* 4 AXI (version 2.0)
  • Arm* AMBA* 4 AXI-Lite (version 2.0)
  • Arm* AMBA* 4 AXI-Stream (version 1.0)
  • Arm* AMBA* 3 APB (version 1.0)

IP components (IP Cores) can have any number of interfaces in any combination. Each interface represents a set of signals that you can connect within a Platform Designer system, or export outside of a Platform Designer system.

Platform Designer IP components can include the following interface types:

Table 159.  IP Component Interface Types
Interface Type Description


Connects memory-referencing master devices with slave memory devices. Master devices can be processors and DMAs, while slave memory devices can be RAMs, ROMs, and control registers. Data transfers between master and slave may be uni-directional (read only or write only), or bi-directional (read and write).


Connects Avalon Streaming (Avalon-ST) sources and sinks that stream unidirectional data, as well as high-bandwidth, low‑latency IP components. Streaming creates datapaths for unidirectional traffic, including multichannel streams, packets, and DSP data. The Avalon-ST interconnect is flexible and can implement on-chip interfaces for industry standard telecommunications and data communications cores, such as Ethernet, Interlaken, and video. You can define bus widths, packets, and error conditions.


Connects interrupt senders to interrupt receivers. Platform Designer supports individual, single‑bit interrupt requests (IRQs). In the event that multiple senders assert their IRQs simultaneously, the receiver logic (typically under software control) determines which IRQ has highest priority, then responds appropriately.


Connects clock output interfaces with clock input interfaces. Clock outputs can fan-out without the use of a bridge. A bridge is required only when a clock from an external (exported) source connects internally to more than one source.


Connects reset sources with reset input interfaces. If your system requires a particular positive-edge or negative-edge synchronized reset, Platform Designer inserts a reset controller to create the appropriate reset signal. If you design a system with multiple reset inputs, the reset controller ORs all reset inputs and generates a single reset output.


Connects point-to-point conduit interfaces, or represent signals that you export from the Platform Designer system. Platform Designer uses conduits for component I/O signals that are not part of any supported standard interface. You can connect two conduits directly within a Platform Designer system as a point-to-point connection. Alternatively, you can export conduit interfaces and bring the interfaces to the top-level of the system as top-level system I/O. You can use conduits to connect to external devices, for example external DDR SDRAM memory, and to FPGA logic defined outside of the Platform Designer system.