Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents Inserting Pipeline Bridges

You can insert an Avalon® -MM pipeline bridge to insert registers in the path between the bridges and its master and slaves. If a critical register-to-register delay occurs in the interconnect, a pipeline bridge can help reduce this delay and improve system fMAX.

The Avalon® -MM pipeline bridge component integrates into any Platform Designer system. The pipeline bridge options can increase logic utilization and read latency. The change in topology may also reduce concurrency if multiple masters arbitrate for the bridge. You can use the Avalon® -MM pipeline bridge to control topology without adding a pipeline stage. A pipeline bridge that does not add a pipeline stage is optimal in some latency-sensitive applications. For example, a CPU may benefit from minimal latency when accessing memory.

Figure 51.  Avalon® -MM Pipeline Bridge