Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents Burst Adaptation: AXI to Avalon®

Table 26.   Burst Adaptation: AXI to Avalon® Entries specify the behavior when converting between AXI and Avalon® burst types.

Burst Type



Sequential Slave

Bursts that exceed slave_max_burst_length are converted to multiple sequential bursts of a length less than or equal to the slave_max_burst_length. Otherwise, the burst is unconverted. For example, for an Avalon® slave with a maximum burst length of 4, an INCR7 burst is converted to INCR4 + INCR3.

Wrapping Slave

Bursts that exceed the slave_max_burst_length are converted to multiple sequential bursts of length less than or equal to the slave_max_burst_length. Bursts that exceed the wrapping boundary are converted to multiple sequential bursts that respect the slave's wrapping boundary.


Sequential Slave

A WRAP burst is converted to multiple sequential bursts. The sequential bursts are less than or equal to the max_burst_length and respect the transaction's wrapping boundary

Wrapping Slave

If the WRAP transaction's boundary matches the slave's boundary, then the burst passes through. Otherwise, the burst is converted to sequential bursts that respect both the transaction and slave wrap boundaries.


Fixed bursts are converted to sequential bursts of length 1 that repeatedly access the same address.


All narrow-sized bursts are broken into multiple bursts of length 1.